My IUD removal?
i had my iud removed surrounded by november after 5 years. starting about 3 months ago i starting have really tender breasts. then, around 2 weeks ago my breasts got really, really tender, and they hurt TRUE bad. as if my milk be coming in after have a baby. my husband have had a vascectomy, and i hold continued to have regular period, so i know i'm not pregnant.
i'm wondering if this could be some sort of common symptom of have the iud removed? does this happen for a while after you own one taken out? also, i'm not due for my period for another week. and this discomfort this time started a week after my last term. so i don't think it's because i'm getting all set to start. and when i had my iud surrounded by my breasts were tender some, but zilch like post iud.
Answers: Hmm...I don't know. Maybe if you have the murana IUD. If you had the copper one I don't see why you would enjoy this reaction because hormones are not involved. Maybe your body is trying to adjust it's hormone level back to ordinary (if you did have the IUD next to the hormones). Good luck...
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