Boyfriend and consignment problem?

I know ur all tired of these benign of questions but i am 105 and i am 5 foot flat...with a 28 inch wasit and 38 inch hips..and my boy keep calling me fat and its depressing me to the point that i dont want to get through...what do u suggest i should do...BTW i am known for losing freight like crazy get down to 90 and almost went to the plz i really call for help...appreciation alot

Sex during menstration. why does it make you have a feeling better?

I think you involve to dump him and gain some weight. I weigh 200 pounds almost and my man loves me merely the way I am. How much you weigh don't event. Tell him he needs some eyeglasses and find you a good cracked. Don't take the rough up. That is mental abuse. It happen a lot. You don't immensity nothing. You are resembling a feather.

My feminin nouns doest smell good even if after wash it.. what is the cause? how can i prevent it?

Dump the bastard. Problem solved.

Mirena IUD?

two words


Advice or experiences please :What should I do?

dump him, ur not even close 2 bein large. hes a dick head

Any other gurl have an accident for not making it in time?

stay like

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That wouldn't make me not want to get through.
It would make me want to get hold of rid of the boyfriend. Sounds like you're next to someone who is a real push. What kind of nation tells the human being they are supposed to care almost stuff like that?
Ditch his azz.

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Your boyfriend is a cowardly, manipulative loser. DTMFA and get a fresh guy who'll appreciate your awesome figure.

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I would get rid of him. He must really thought about YOU and whats inside. Dump him. So if you spend the rest of your life
near him will he dump you as soon as you can't lose the weight. I intuitively like cast-offs in the trunk. Many men do

Find someone who like you for you.

Spotting, what is it and does it have anything to do next to getting my period?

well dump him is the fastest instrument but if you don't wan't to do that then don't enjoy any carbs for 2 weeks then respectively day after the two weeks you can enjoy 18 carbs you should drop some weight.

Cervical cancer, and pregnancy?

Work near what you have. If your bf doesn't close to it, follow these directions

1. Slap
3.Slap again

Men answering girls only Q's?

wow alright that's lately about how i am right in a minute that's kinda weird but really you aren't fleshy! Dump the guy! he isn't worth it...I'd say he's a moment ago some shallow worthless jacka** so there you move about!
You deserve better!

This is just a give somebody the third degree but im wondering how do you get boobs to be bigger?

You fine the mode u are get rid of the piece of $hit b/f anyone who doesnt love you for u r on the inside is a loser. he should be worried just about who u r on the inside not what u look like on the outside.

Female masturbation tips?!?!?!?

dump him. no man is worth staying beside f he treats and makes you be aware of like *. youre worth more later that.

Okay so i started my period and i own to go to swimming classes what should i do!!?

Someone that loves you will never variety you feel unsuccessfully about yourself.

I devise he needs oblige and you need to draw from a new boyfriend that appreciates you and shows you the love and respect you deserve

What are the methods to stop spike falling?i need herbal tips to solve this?

You get it! Dump him! You need a positive self statue. He can't give it to you.

What can bring..?

I suggest you find a new boyfriend that respects you instead of calling you excess weight and hurting your feelings.

Easily lose 200 lbs by dumping the shove (or however much he weighs!).

You are newly fine, if anything you are SKINNY.

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