Cervical cancer, and pregnancy?

Can you get pregnant if you hold cervical cancer?

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Yes you sure can get pregnant beside cervical caner your body and everything still ovualtes good luck

Ladies please back! emergency!?

Yes as you are still ovulating so you can still get pregnant.

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Well, my mom did. so I'm guessing yeah.

What are they from?

i am almost possitive you can because i had it while i be pregnant and they were competent to remove it while i was pregnant

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Yes, you can. Make sure if you do hold cervical cancer and are pregnant that you are under the exactness of a physician. Depending on the stage of cancer the pregnancy and your health may be at risk.

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Yes you can return with pregnant, but you should avoid it at all costs. Most tumors develop faster when a great deal of hormones are produced, like when you are pregnant, specifically why it is very esteemed to try to avoid it.

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