Should I progress to the emergency room or wait 4 my appt subsequent week?

Okay, im always getting UTI's its to the point where on earth I cant drink any sodas because im to scared that I may obtain a UTI. I do everything that they tell me to do close to pee after sex and all of that stuff but I still acquire them. Well I just get one and along with the stinging when Im almost to finishing peeing this time im having pains in the lower constituent of my stomach, im very nausated and I lately feel sick and that doesnt arise when I get UTI's. Im starting to suggest that my infection is getting worse because I feel sick. Do you surmise its safe for me to dally until next thursday to budge to the Doctor or wait contained by the emergency room for 6 hours to get see. Please give me your honest evaluation with no smart remarks...Thanks so much

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I be the same as you within my 20's. After several trips to the ER they finally did an IV pyelogram and discovered I had horseshoe kidney (kidneys together together at the bottom in the shape of a horseshoe). This be the cause of the chronic infections. It is especially relating that you have pains in the lower member of your stomach. Mine felt resembling someone was trying to turn me inside out by the belly button. That threw everyone rotten because kidney pain is usually within the back/side of the torso. But it was because the extra piece of kidney be the infected part and it be located between the two other kidneys that the pain be where it be.

Whether you go to the emergency room or not (don't you hold emer clinics not attached to the hospital where service would be faster and cheaper?) you involve to ask for the pyelogram (or newer diagnostic test if they own one) to take a look at your kidneys.

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i deliberate that u should go to the emergency room.adjectives that i can tell u is that i would to some extent be waiting 6hrs than a week

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maybe your pregnant. If the headache is unbearable you should find it checked ASAP.

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Go to the doctor immediately; don't wait. Now, does your partner wear a condom? He ought to clean himself thoroughly with soap and hose down before you two rivet in sex. He may hold a problem he is not sharing with you, and he is contaminating you every time you 2 hold sex. Also, drink Cranberry juice and lug cranberry supplements.

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you made the appiontment for a week from very soon! oh no, first call the doctor bureau back and ask them if near are any sooner apiontments, and ask then you please send for you if there are any no shows import they will call you if anyone doesn't show up and you can stuff in. if thats no way out then sit contained by the ER for a few hours because you should know by now that you can get really sick from them except treated and if you haveing pains there something is wrong. ! return with well soon , i loathe those things they really bring you down and make you grain horrible!
i also had those systems just about a month ago and i had a kidney infection!

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Why is your doctor making you continue a whole week? Call the bureau back and detail them you are getting worse and need to be see NOW. If it is a UTI and getting worse (especially with nausea and lower abdominal pain) and the doctor refuse to see you before subsequent week, I would definitely run to the ER/Urgent Care. Waiting a week will make the infection much worse as it can spread to other parts of the urinary tract (such as the kidneys) and be much more difficult to treat.

You should also ask almost testing to determine why you are getting UTI's so recurrently. There are many medical conditions that can raison d`??tre frequent UTI's.

I just have severe cramps and I never get cramps. What is wrong beside me?! Please Help?

if you feel that it is getting worse, near is nothing wrong near going to the emergency room. maybe you could phone call your drs office and explain that if they cannot see you asap consequently you are going to go to the emergency room. maybe they will know how to fit you in.

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