How effective are those online pg test.?

Hiya everyone
i have these pregnancy test from online
they say they are exceedingly reliable, but with them one so cheap i am starting to doubt on weather they will give a true answer or not.

have anyone used them?


Shaving hurts?

I have used this company. I reflect they are pretty reliable. They save money on the pacakaging and also by buying in bulk. The try-out itself is pretty simple really.
Similar tests are used contained by hospitals and clinics.
Hope you get the answer that you want :-)

If ur masturbating and it bleeds close to u think u may own popped your cherry, have you after lost your virginity

Seems too good to be true. If you want a preganancy exam - go to your GP - it is free within. Seriously I would not buy medical products over the internet. And whats with the 120 preganancy kit for lb35.00. Who the hell needs that masses?

Will taking this affect my birth control pill?

I have no impression. But if you want a backup test, you can obtain it free from a women's center.

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