I hold been reading something like using alum with hose down to douche. How much alum should be used.?

I would like experience answers lone please

Question for women only?

You with the sole purpose need to douche occassionally, but when you do use a partially a teaspoon of alum to your douche bottle. It really tightens you up. ;)

Pubic hair growth and removal?

You should NEVER douche, so the answer is that it doesn't issue.

Read the links below for proper information on feminine hygiene and throw out the whole notion of douches. All that they do is incentive problems.

Can my period start sooner if im around other women on their period?

A women is not dirty on the inside so cleaning it is not necessary. Think of a douche as a enema. How normally do we really need one of those as resourcefully.

Is pregnancy a hard process?

You shouldn't be douching extent. The vagina is self-cleansing. When women douche, they get rid of adjectives the good germs as well as the discouraging and then completely mess up the "environment" of the vagina which could mete out problems.

How do I make.?

You should not be using douche.

I am 16 years outdated and I want to know what it feels approaching to get fingered the 1st time! PLZ HELP!?

Douching will remove well-mannered bacteria. It make you dry and can cause itching. You don't call for to douche. You only stipulation to wash next to a gentile soap and water.

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