Pimple or Period?..girls solitary plz?

Last night i have 3 really bad cramps surrounded by my stomach and im going camping tomorrow w/ my friend jamie and my mom said "hope u don't obtain your period when your camping" so this morning when i took a shower i found a pimple "down ther" and for a while bit of red blood in my underwear..so be that the pimple or my period?


PLEASE serve me!!?

If you continue bleeding afterwards it's obviously your time of year.

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i mull over its ur pimple. prbably it popped or sumthin. dont wry go and hold fun tomorow, and dont forget to take pad with you!

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hmm.. well conceivably your starting to get it..

alright all right if u never got it however..
I think you might be starting to..

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pimples don't usually bleed

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Gross period question.?

if in attendance was blood on ur underware, its probublyur length! durr but check if the pimple "poped" but it depends on how much blood was on ur underware!

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THer is relation...

First pimple starts. then lead to perioc... scientifically..

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well if you come to an end up bleeding a bit more... then you own your period...

Just bring your feminine hygiene products beside you while your camping...

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it depends how much "little bit" it is. if it was close to a dot the size of your pimple, then it be your pimple. if it was track bigger, it was your term

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your term

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Do you achieve your period regularly? I would feel if it was simply a spot then it be the pimple. I would definitely bring what ever feminine products you use on your camp trip just incase.Either approach I hope you have fun camp.=)

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probably the start of your period.

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Where exactly does the blood appear? Do you know where on earth the blood will come from when you start your period?
Is this your first one? If not, are your period regular? I would take some sanitary protection, a moment ago in bag.

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it really depends how much blood here was, a pimple wouldnt inflict much blood. If you cant go camp its not a disaster- get over it!

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Would this be your first period? If it be like a speck of blood i'm sure it be the pimple because if a pimple popped it would only bleed possibly a drop of blood before it would clot stale and stop bleeding. It was probably your extent, especially if you continue to bleed.

Which kindly of food do you think is on form for a woman during her pregnacy? and why?

I don't think that the pimple would inflict cramps.Maybe it came from sweat.Or possibly you might have switched soaps and it is to strong for your body.It should'nt stop you from going camp , use a tampon and everything will be all polite!!

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If it's continuous bleeding it's definately your period.

What cause vaginal ulceration besides tampon use?

you got your spell. good luck!

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