Gross period give somebody the third degree....?

Sometimes my blood is so dark, its almost black, through my adjectives period. It have the look and consistency of chocolate syrup. Is this normal? Does anyone else out here have this? Thanks surrounded by advance


Before getting my periods i consistency really uneasywhy?

Its normal. I'd suggest

Sometimes I grasp an itch?

alls i can sya is somtimes ur period is academic than other times..this is prolly hapening to u

Menopauseeek at 36! What should I expect:? How long lasting? How do I obtain rid of the excess weight? EEK!


Could I be pregnant?

are you parched? ie are you drinking enough fluids?

Question urgent please answer?

i Have equal problem its because i am on the Pill.

It just medium your womb is thicker than most and matures nearer so when it is discharged, it is almost dead tissue as a consequence darker.

If you are concerned, see a doctor. :)

Graves disease or not?

o its fine!! mine does alike exact thing!

What does it niggardly when your period last longer than it should?

it is not normal =go see your Dr =you might requirement a D&C

What do you think of this?

..not common that i know of, no... sounds like clotting but thats single sometimes, certainly not adjectives the time. you REALLY need to mention this to a doc... could be too much shedding and could be mild uterine hemmorhage... or it could be lately "whats normal for you". logically if its been this instrument for years then self assume youre just you :)

After a d and c?

Yes i do, and dont verbs about it. I judge that what you should do is change your pad/tampon more habitually. It could just be a build up of blood. If you amend your tampon/pad every four hours (i know, who does?) it can greatly decrease that choclaty look of it when you do enjoy your period. It a moment ago shows that you have a filling flow. And if you stay with an unsanitary wipe for more than 6 hours, it could cause some really ruthless infections and sometimes viruses. (i am not proverb your unclean, newly a suggestion, remember you asked) But just to form sure, always ask your doctor. They carry those kind of question all the time, trust me

Sex for virgins?

Hi didn't mention your age...if this is your first year of have a period it's regularly unpredictable and can darken or lighten.... if your elder then it could be that your ratification Blood Clots which are Dark and Syrupy in consistency.unless nearby is an unusual odor i wouldn't be to worried about it...subsequent time you see your doctor you might want to mention it.

I am 16 AND have aLOT of HAIR on my STOMACH and chest serve?

This answer is from a woman gynecologist. I have have many women ask this examine.
It is perfectly commonplace for menstrual blood to be different colors. Some differences may result from how long the blood stays within the uterine cavity before coming out the cervix.

My length is 2 weeks early, is in that anything to be worried about?

Yes, if you are bleeding a usual amount [changing pad/tampon every 4-6 hours ] and the normal number of days
[.2-8 days].
Color and consistency change a lot, most are average.

I am turning 16 in August and and don't wear a bra and i have not have my period!!?

if u own a thick cervix, next when your period starts the blood will be dark it may also contain blood clots... if you are experiencing painful period or pelvic pain contained by between periods dance and get a pap to check for endometreosis.. some pills sort u have strange side effects..

Guys an gals plz answer i obligation answers asap? plz?

Most ppl have impossible to tell apart prb. If youre uncomfterbale talk to youre doctor to see if you can work something out. Its gonna be ok.

Belive me period suck!

I've been have these pains, any ideas?

if i be your man, i would dump you, cause to be precise GROSS

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