Personal problem girls singular please!?

When I go to the bathroom it hurts extremly impossible its a very painfull burning i can almost not even pee it hurts so discouraging and if I touch it (I mean when I whipe) it hurts does anyone know if possibly it just a yest infection or something close to that if u know what it is please tell me i want to treat it and I want to treat it soon

Am i the right counterweight?

I think specifically either a yeast infection or an STD...any way you stipulation to go to a doctor ASAP!

My wife have pain surrounded by her stomach while we have sex. What is the origin for this pain.?

maybe its a urinary tract infection


it sounds approaching an urinary tract infection and if so you will need to budge to the dr to get antibiotics. If you do not, it will lone get worse. virtuous luck!

Cause of an abnormally short spell?

you need to see a doctor ASAP

I hold a question that's to some extent embarrassing?

Go to the doctor and they'll know how to tell you what type of infection you have and will prescribe the proper antibiotics for you to purloin. You most likely hold a urinary tract infection.

Accutane side effects females?

It sounds like a yeast infection. You call for to see your physician and discuss your symptoms as they you might need antibiotics.

If my PERIOD starts today, do I start taking BIRTHCONTROL one and the same day?

you hold a badder infection, you need an anibiotic,,,

Pain when first have sex?

I get it adjectives the time. my doctors have on the other hand to figure it out. it could be a yeast infection or it could be something else. they own told me that with me it be caused by an overgrowth of microbes. try drinking cranberry juice and also walk to your gyn. hopefully, we have smarter doctors where on earth you live than i do in MA. they hold given me pills for it and it has seem to be to gone away. if you have any other question, feel free to email me.

hun, it doesn't event if you are underage. what goes on between you and the gyno. is a short time ago between you two, they can not tell your parents what is going on at adjectives. you need to carry to the doctor.


If ur pregenant will u see ur period?

Its probably a urinary tract infection. Those hurt really unpromising or an STD. Go to a clinic or even call and digit what it might be but they cwould still have to purloin a look at ya to be 100% positive!

I have be off my birth control for around 4 months now and i'm still not have periods.?

You mentioned masturbation. If you touched yourself beside dirty fingers or objects, you may have spread microbes. It may also be a urinary tract infection or a yeast infection. However, we cannot diagnose you. You need to travel see a gynecologist.

Too frequent periods?

Sounds similar to a urinary tract infection. Nothing to be ashamed about.
If it's not that consequently ask to talk to your doctor minus your Mom in the room. Explain to the Dr. around your masturbation and if you use anything other than your mitt. There may have be bacteria any on your hand or "item" and cause an infection.
Even if you are underage, masturbation is not a bad point, perfectly regular!

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Painful urination and/or not being competent to urninate could be an urinary tract infection (UTI) or it could be coming from a sexually transmitted disease (STD).

There are a series of questions to answer first similar it just the urinary (peeing) hurting that you own, or it is coming from the vaginal opening? Sometimes and UTI can come across to hurt within the vaginal nouns. You can treat a UTI with home remedies close to drinking lots of cranberry juice, taking over the counter AZO pills for UTI (which have cranberry in it), or ingestion dried or fresh cranberries. But it may be a kidney infection in which in attendance may be a bladder infection included or kidney stones.

Another question to ask yourself is if you are sexually helpful, have you have unprotected sex? It also sounds like you may enjoy the beginning stages of an rash break-out of herpes. If so, you will see blisters on or around the "vaginal skin" which could look just similar to a bump, or a cluster of tiny acne-like bumps. These are very throbbing and when urinating, the salt in the urine aggrivates the blisters which cause even more spasm.

Which ever of the systems that you are having, I notably recommend that you see your family doctor or a gynoclogoist as soon as possible. If it is an UTI, it can draw from worse and even more painful (bloody urine). And if it is a STD, you would still necessitate to be evaulated to find out the nature and if available (because within is no cure for herpes, just to diminution the symptoms), you would need medication to abet clear the problem.

Don't worry, if is not from masterbation. And depending on your age, most physicians will ask the parents to dance outside of the room while you are being treated. This will present you your privacy to talk freely to them short your mother knowing. And the doctor can not discuss your condition with your mother due to tolerant privicy.

Please seek treatment soon. Best of luck to you!

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I doubt it is a yeast infection because that itches, and you're hurting. It could be a urinary tract infection. Here are the symptoms of a UTI:

If that sounds resembling what you are experiencing, drink as much water as you can stand. If you're going to match cranberry juice, fashion sure you do not drink the cranberry juice cocktail, which is lone 7% juice, and it's get other fruit juices resembling apple in in that too. You need to drink a pure cranberry liquid, which by the way is unbelievably hard to drink. Personally, I would freshly go next to water. You shouldn't stipulation to go to the dr. if you capture it cleared up on your own, but if you start having bloody urine or you see pus in your urine, it's time to be in motion to the dr.

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It could be a uti, yeast infection, bacterial vaginosis or something else. Go to the doctor right away and describe your symptoms. You don't own to say anything something like masturbating if you're too embarrassed and I doubt your doctor would ask. My guess would be you hold a uti, this must be treated with antibiotics. Make an appointment very soon before it get worse.

Why have i get my period 7 days impulsive?

OK it's definitely NOT cancer! I am not a doc but i can promise you that!

Doctors dont ask you nearly masturbation, unless YOU bring it up. He will ask you if you have have any sexual activity and you describe him no, plain and simple.

It does sound resembling a urinary tract infection. what happens is germs (usually from your **hole)gets up in the tube you pee out of from wipe the wrong direction and you get an infection and it burns when you pee and it hurts in your stomach..Just budge to your regular doctor for antibiotcis. Tell your mom it hurts when you pee and she'll know what it is im sure

BTW ALWAYS wipe front to back or you'll hang on to getting infections!

I started my first pack of pills six days before my time?

It sounds like urinary tract infection or yeast infection. YOU NEED TO GO TO THE DOCTOR.

Does anyones spell look?

first, calm down. im a nurse and i will try to give support to you. masturbation is a normal leisure. it helps you to cram about yourself and within the future to relieve your partner. okay enof on that. second, u have a bladder infection. transmit mom, it doesnt mean it be from self-play. our urethra, the exit from our bladder is very short, and thus u can contaminate yourself of late by wiping hindmost to front. so thats the reason u can influence you have these sensations. every women i know gets atleast one bladder infection in her natural life. so go share mom, get to the doctor-regular not gyn is fine. they dont enjoy too "see you" down there. they may ask for a urine sample-no big business deal right? and if any md wants to examine you, you enjoy the right to say no, and you also enjoy the right to have a feminine in the room and or you mom if you ever do own to be seen. dutiful luck, youll be fine but you gotta tell mom, NOW ;)MICHELE

When i shave "down there" it get itchy and red, why? That doesn't happen when i shave anywhere else!

I deliberate it's a urinary tract infection

How Can I Get More Energy?

I'm 99.9% sure it's a urinary tract infection

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