Low iron count. How low should I be worried nearly?

Recently I have feel exhausted and went to the doctors for a blood experiment. Thyroid was fine, but iron smooth was low at 7 and calcium be a little low. Is this low satisfactory to be worried about? I hold periods that would be hard to digest (though not painful) that last give or take a few 7 days. Would this be enough to exact the low iron levels? What is the best supplement to bring?

I missed my period this month and took several tests that come back negativewhat give?!?

The period contained by itself would not likely be paid you anaemic (low iron count) but a series of heavy period may do. Start eating foods which are rich within iron (the link below will aid you choose the high iron foods) and whip a good ability multi vitamin to help find your calcium levels up again. Drink milk every light of day too.

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Start taking a multivitamin beside calcium and iron and make sure your diet have some good iron sources close to red meat or mushrooms. Swisse women's make an excellent multi that will boost your joie de vivre as well.

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i think 7 is low adequate to start supplements-I got that low and didn't own supplements when I was pregnant and done up having to own a blood transfusion!

Quick question?

I believe the lowest it should be is 9. But to be precise when you start to eat iron enrich foods and and start taking vitamins on a daily argument. I f you start to feel too skinny then you hold make an appointment near your doctor to start you on some iron supplements, to go along near your daily diet and you your multi-vitamin(s)

I really call for your help near this?

7 is quite low. i'm curious to know what your hemoglobin and hematocrit be. your period doesn't usually affect your iron level that substantually. nu-iron 150 mg is good. help yourself to it with oarnge liquid or a vitamin c supplement to increase absorption.

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I'm not 100% sure but if other family answering this question deliberate that 7 is low then i'm within trouble too mines 2.2 and yes it would more than likely be due to the weighty periods (FACT:)
don't verbs though mine's only this low as i litter to see a doctor about it i don't see the point in wasting his time..
oh and any more thing, somebody once told me that guiness 'so-called have lots of iron in it' it's worth looking into...

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Yes no wonder u feel tired and exhausted, low iron have dramatic effects on us, but then again denial of lots of vits do, we just don't know satisfactory about respectively one. Eat plenty of dark greens, they are best and if u can stomach liver, its accurate too. Otherwise take a righteous multivitamin, it will boost yr immune system, i get the ones from lydls, they are 2.99 and are really well-mannered, in a silver tub, they are double surrounded by chemists and i do find they are effective after a couple of weeks, they hold over 100 vits in b vits are polite also for women.

Im on my period, possible abortion? (im on the shot)ahh please grant me some insight.?

go see the doctor and ask if you need a blood transfusion put away right

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Did the GP not suggest supplements if he/she was concerned going on for teh test result?

It can be as unwholesome to take too much iron as not plenty, so you shouldn't just pocket iron as a supplement continuously.

I had a low iron count after becoming tired - I couldn't run and I continually feel cold. I took a supplement for a few months to get the level back up and catch retested preriodically to make sure everything is OK. I

Women suffer from low iron more than men not solitary because of their periods, but also their food preferences, disposed to avoid things that are high contained by iron because of other reasons, eg red meat.

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