Ok my mom is making me return with on birth control and she says somthing something like a DUI (i think that is to say what it is?)?

i want to know what types of birth control are out there and what are the pros and cons..

I want to try to get hold of non-hormonal way because our family connections has condition risks with such drugs anyone used.

I know i need to find on to birth control. so i need ur abet...

i'm 16 1/2 years old
110 lbs

any more information u need to comfort answer the question of late respond.

I mean it!


Why would i enjoy shooting pains during orgasam?

I have the IUD and love it. But I am married, which is a bit different. You CAN'T be promiscuous. Because if you draw from a sexually transmitted disease you can infect your female organs and become sterile. (Google IUD's to bring the facts, in armour I'm wrong). But at your age, you should be using a condom too any way, to prevent that stuff.

But it's great. Once it's inside, you never touch it and don't have to remember to whip any pills. My first time I had it put surrounded by, I had discouraging cramps that Tylenol took care of. And I have a few heavier periods the first few months. But in a minute, I go on my business as usual. I love it.

POST-Menstrual Syndrome?

It's an IUD, an "intra uterin device," which is one type of birth control.

Birth control pills are the most impressive form of birth control (something like 99.6% effective) but as you make a note of, there are hormonal side effects since to be exact how it works. It basically make your body "think" it is already pregnant.

Condoms are not as effective, they do break, but own the added benefit of somewhat controlling the spread of disease. I am surprised your mother feels this road, but if you are going to sexually active, consequently it is better to be smart and responsible, than dumb, pregnant and maybe disease ridden.

Morning after pill can it be too overdue??

An IUD is a device placed inside you, the one I have is wrinkled with copper, what it does deeply is that it makes it to where on earth your uterus cannot hold an egg in it's inside layer, which is what happens when you become pregnant, and so no pregnancy.
It does not have to do beside hormones, so there is no substance gain or drug interaction.
You have to travel to your doc every so often to check on it but otherwise it is running free.

I think it should be your ruling and not your mom's.
And remember, it is birth control not STD control, so be careful.
Good Luck

Bit fishy :( oblige me plz?

You mean an IUD? Intra uterin device?.. and it's benign of bad to start taking birth control when you are youthful.

What is a ob/gyn?Please don't use to many big word.?

what does a drunk driving (dui) enjoy to do with birth control?

Birth control pill sound out: I forgot to take my concluding "active" pill yesterday. Is this a problem?

IUD...interuteran device

Laideez only please!!?

I come up with she's talking nearly an IUD. Go on the web and try to find information something like different types. If you can't find the information that you want, talk to your doctor. They are single there to support.

This may sound stupid but is at hand any way I can make smaller my breasts without surgery?

Your mom is probably conversation about an IUD (Intrauterine device), which I don't recommend. How can your mom "breed you" get on birth control? I ponder you should speak to your doctor about this.

P.S.- Go to http://www.plannedparenthood.org... for an overview of different types of birth control.

PCOS and Metformin?

sounds close to you need to stay away from dui's and iud's

Does anyone know how to gid rid of stretch grades without surgery?

It's an IUD and I'm not a big adherent. Got pregnant with one and that can be exceedingly serious. I got key cramps also with them.
Condoms are non hormonal but instinctively, I'd go for the pill and the condoms. What are a few artifical hormones compared to have a baby at 16?

How can breast size be reduced short having an operation?

She be talking something like an IUD which is non-hormonal. I would recommend one. I've heard some women don't seize their period and you don't hold to worry every hours of daylight about taking pill.

Does taking steroids bring in a womans breast bigger?

The only birth control that I know of that doesn't own any hormones in it is an IUD(Internal Uterine Device) explicitly made of copper wire. I would read like mad about it and speech to the doctor about it until that time you use it. It is not for everyone. Why does your mom want you on bc anyway? If you are not sexually active later there would be no inevitability just remember to use protection when and if the apportunity comes along and you settle on to do it.

How can I increase my growth? Serious answers plz?

You mean "IUD"... Click here for a description http://www.fwhc.org/birth-control/iudinf...

There aren't that heaps birth control options if you're avoiding hormones. There's profusely of information out there though, only just google birth control and you'll have plenty to read! GL!

How are you to wipe after urinating please i necessitate intructions for my nieces are confused help?

well an iud isnt a worthy idea, considering your with the sole purpose 16, dont try the pills if your bad at remembering, you should walk for the nuevaring.thats great.ask about it when you progress to the clinic.

What can i use to masturbate?

it's an IUD and you probably cant get one.. they are for women who enjoy had at least possible 1 child vaginally.. but heres a link for different kind of b.c.



Womens things?

Do you mean IUD? They are devices inserted into your uterus. I am getting one this week. It's call the Mirena, but that one has hormones contained by that are put right into the uterus. There are non-hormonal IUDs, but they carry abundant risks. They might not give you one of those unless you enjoy had at lowest one child because #1 it hurts more to have it put contained by and #2 if it perforates the uterine wall you might hold to have a hysterectomy and you wouldn't be capable of have a child at adjectives.
Other options:
Pill - flowing and non invasive, but you have to remember to whip it every day
Patch-easy, change once a week, but you hold to have sticky patch on you, and I get pregnant on it
Shot- very graceful, once every three months, but the weight gain is much worse than on the other methods
Nuvaring- my aunt uses this and swears by it, this might be a worthy option for you, insert once a month and bear out to have your period
IUD- already talk about those
Tubal ligation - "tubes tied" - dont even verbs about this one because they wont do it on someone so childlike.

If I were you I would consider the Nuvaring first and consequently the pill or patch. It depends on how diligent you are on remembering to take the pill or conversion the patch.

Would you allow your husband or boyfriend to have intercourse next to you while your menstrual cycle is active?

I a short time ago turned 17 and Im on ortho tr cyclen which is a pill that you take every afternoon and I have done so right on it. I have also tried jolessa (pill) and it made my hormones jump crazy good luck!

Is it possible that loss of virginity during first interourse doesnot impose bleeding?

LOL, DUI means Driving Under the Influence aka Drunk Driving. Is what you are discussion about is an Intrauterine Device, which does protect against pregnancy, but not diseases. Why is she making you achieve on the Pill? Are you active? If you are, you should be on the pill or own an IUD AND be using condoms. Men/Boys/Guys are scandals and could make a contribution you something that stays with you for life span. Don't trust them 100%. Anyway, an IUD is a little device they insert into your uterus that doesn't allow the sperm to swim up into your eggs, ie not allowing for a fermented "pregnant" egg. They don't hurt, but I own heard that IUDs can take scar tissue built around them and when you want it taken out someday (to enjoy kids or whatever) it can be painful because it's be there for so long, plus some insurances don't approaching to pay for the removal (it's elective according to them) . I've be on several different BC pills and have found I similar to OrthoTriCylen the best. I think a hormonal pill would be your best bet. Now days they hold low dose (like Yasmin) that would be good. Good luck and don't forget to use condoms too!!

What will eradicate stretch marks that are a couple years elderly?

with birth control pills there are illustrious dose ones and low dose ones. if you're family have a history with these i would opt for the low dose if you appendage up with no other option.

i would NOT recommend the nonhormonal IUD because it can make your period a lot heavier next to a lot worse cramps. it also tend not to be a good way out for women who have not however had children. the problem beside any IUD whether its hormonal or not is that it could slip out of place during intercourse and thus not protect you from pregnancy. apparently theres a string tied to it your supposed to check weekly to fashion sure its in the right place.

later there's the depo shot which i don't recommend any. i've had several friends on this and it severely tamper with their body chemistry. since you enjoy a history of family issues near hormones i don't think this is right for you any because its just a huge dose of hormones that last several months.

the patch might work for you (again ask for low dose) although a few of my friends reported nausea and skin irritation from it. otherwise it stays on ok and theres not really a worry of it coming sour.

then near's the more permanent substitute (tubes tied) thats probably not for you either because you so infantile...but it is nonhormonal.

these are all the highest ones out there that i can deem of...good luck finding something. i myself own been on yasmin for 10 years and would resembling to find a nonhormonal option aside from tube tying but the IUDs freshly don't sound undamaging to me.

What's the best exercise to get a six pack FAST?

It's call and IDU and it's inserted into your virgina. Painless. You can keep it inside for 5 years at a time.

You can try the pill, DEPO shoot,

Try the interconnect bellow it can explain more about the IDU. The second one can hand over you other types of BC.

Good luck.

UTI and bleeding.?

It is called an IUD (intrauteral device-sp?). Anyways, it is super comfy and you dont own to worry going on for anything! It is so great that i would recommend it, especially if you're on the go adjectives the time. You could wear it up to 12 years but if you're ready for a toddler then they can steal it out. There is hardly any repairs and you dont have to remember the time of year or anything. It wouldn't even interfere with your menstrual cycle. I hold it and I cant even tell its within. It like a plastic T shape entry they insert. The inserting time isnt even painful at adjectives and it only take a minute or two. The best part for me is enjoy myself with my bf! He doesnt perceive it or anything...when you know! No worries! GO for it. I hope this helps.

How come athletic women do not go and get their periods?

you are agency to young!

I have a larascopy a few weeks back, they found and removed some endomitriosis.?

You parsimonious an IUD (intrauterine device). Back when I was babyish, these were immensely dangerous. They are immaculately safe these days, but usually not recommended for nation your age.

The Pill - lots of versions out here with different level and kinds of hormones. Very trouble-free.

The Patch - like the pill, even easier. Change your patch once a week fairly than take a pill every daytime.

Depo Provera - another hormone drug, but you get a shot once every 3 months.

Diaphragm - You put this surrounded by before you own sex to block the sperm from getting past the cervix. This isn't usually recommended for relatives your age due to the fact that it must be inserted properly respectively time you want to have sex.

Talk to your doctor almost some of the lower dose hormone drugs that are out there presently. You may find that one of the new pills or the patch might be basically right for you!

Why did my period stop and restart again?

An IUD is probably NOT the best choice for someone your age. IUDs are recommended for women who enjoy had at least possible one full-term pregnancy; otherwise the uterus is too stiff and you are more likely to enjoy SEVERE cramping, and possible expulsion or perforation (the IUD punctures your uterus). BTW, the most commonly prescribed IUD is Mirena and DOES contain hormones. The copper-only type causes MANY more side effects and is 6x more probable to be removed at the request of the user.

If you are sexually active but don't want to use hormones, the option are limited; you can used combined methods for enhanced protection, however be aware that NO method (including the pill and IUD) provides 100% protection.
Condoms: 85% effective
Diaphragm: 80% effective
Contraceptive jelly/foam: 84%
Lea's Shield: 88%
Periodic Abstinence: 75%

As you can see, the efficacy rates vary widely, but if you use 2 or more methods, you are far better protected than one method alone.

Many hormone methods are VERY undamaging; you should discuss your options near your doctor because only THAT personage can decide whether you are at increased risk for form complications. The Pill is VERY effective and have a very low incidence of side effects (medical or otherwise).

Oh, and one final file: WHY is your mother insisting on contraceptives for you at 16? THAT is a bit peculiar. Personally, I would do all I could to avert IUD insertion (aside from the pain and complications, 1 surrounded by 5 women will have it removed inside 12 months due to emergency complications or adverse side effects. Just a thought to consider). Remember this is YOUR body your mother is trying to control. REALLY think something like this before you allow ANY foreign raise objections to be shoved inside the womb (the placement of which CAN and DOES sometimes cause infertility).

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