Why did my term stop and restart again?

it was close to 3 or 4 days...and thats a short period for me. afterwards later on contained by day 4 it started again. and in a minute it keeps seeming close to its going to stop and then it starts again. and the blood get brownish so i knew it be over. this is weird. anyone know what it is?

This is a serious robustness question (down there) im a girl?

It could be your body. Are you underneath a lot of stress? This happen to me a lot. If it is really concerning you, consult your doctor.

Self Esteem Issues.?

hormones can effect this but also this happened to me right earlier I found out I was pregnant. If that could be a possibility next get a try-out. If not then skulk until your next cycle. If one and the same thing happen, I would contact my DR. to rule out any medical reasons for this.

Why am I not getting my length?

sounds like you involve to see a Dr and get a D&C done to verbs the uterus out there isnt anything wrong merely some women need to do this once within awhile

How do you know when you have hit puberty?

Even a amend in diet or something close to that can through your hormones off. And sometimes as we age your body adjust and does weird things.

What can I do to comfort ease morning sickness?

stress or hormones playing up,shift speak to your gp hun,!x

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