Laideez merely please!!?

I'm 18, a virgin, and I've not had a time of year for 5 months! I've been to the doctor, and she said to loaf it out... that was 4 months a turn... nothing's happen. I've never been on BC, never taken any medical procedures for my peropds any... I've been adjectives natural. Does anyone enjoy any clue why I'm skipping for so long? Nothing the doctor prescribes helps... similar to less stress, avoid strenuous happenings, drink water... zilch helps. Any clue?


Is this mundane?

Stress, Weight Gain/Loss, or Exercise Change.

I had this problem for a really long time. My time of year would be regular, and then it approved not to come for 3 months.

I know that you are a virgin, congrats, but just so you know, my spell seemed to regulate itself after I lost mine. I'm thinking a hormone progress.

Go back to your doctor and ask for some BC. Same Hormones, and you capture to keep your virginity.

I'm not pregnant so why are my nipples sore?

eating plentifully of soy?
excercising a lot?
both those things can prevent one

My urine have a very strong ammonia smell after my cycle.?

RU incredibly skinny or very athletic?
Girls who walk into training or go on severe diets regularly have this problem, and it is due to hormonal change. If the body is too skinny, the body believes it is "starving" and so it shuts off the period to prevent a baby person born that will "starve to death" because its mom is not getting enough food.
Give it a couple more months, consequently you will need the gyn workup to take home sure your body is not having some problem.

Does anyone know a morning after pill that can still work up to 72 hrs?

Are you dieting or doing profoundly of exercise? Aeorobics or gymnastics? Have you gone to the gyno not just a doctor? You want a new doctor later because something else may be wrong. What is your diet like? You know that the time of year works to relieve you of all the nasties your body does not call for. Maybe you do not need a time that often or you guzzle pretty healthy and a short time ago what you need. Still it's really unnatural and may be dangerous so acquire that checked out again JUST TO BE SURE.

I want to get rid of 45lbs by Sept the 21st is the possible?

I would turn to another gynocologist. The same thing happen to me and mine yelled at me for waiting so long to see him. It's not average or healthy to miss your term for that long. However, it's not anything to be overly worried more or less because most causes are a moment ago hormonal.


Are you an athlete? Or do you workout a lot? It is impressively common for women who are hugely active surrounded by sports not to get their menstrual cycle for months at a time. I hold friends who run track and they rarely return with their periods. I also own friends who spend hours upon hours in the gym and they uncommonly get their period too; your level of commotion effects your body's normal functions. Once you lower your height of activity, you will be fine. If you are not super influential, you are doing the right thing by speaking to your doctor. I recommend keeping that splash of communication open because I am sure that your doctor will amount this problem out soon enough. Good Luck!

What prenatal diligence?

I don't have answers but more question for you to ask. Have they done an ultrasound to determine if there are any cysts or tumors? Do you own any eating disorders? Body corpulent content if too low will affect your period. Have any blood test been run to determine your hormone level? Has a medical history been taken to determine your family connections history regarding menstruation? If not, you can ask your doctor to do these things and if he/she refuse, at 18 you are legal and can find another doctor!

What does everybody want?

Hey.. first of adjectives, i'm proud of you for being a virgin. I enjoy a friend who has her length three months apart, however she still gets it regular. Hmmm. You know I used to enjoy all kind of wierd period problems, i have it every two weeks, very heavy respectively time, and terribly tender always. I used a German tablets that REALLY helped, and exceptionally fast. It's call Wunderbalsam. You take 40 drops of it a sunshine diluted in sea. It's some kind of herb mix. If you don't wanna find that stuff, after there's a herb you should be capable of pick wild outside surrounded by your field call yarrow. It's for health within the "female system". helping anything have to do with extent. I've tried this too. I use a coffee maker to label peppermint tea, and then put a TINY amount of yarrow surrounded by it (because yarrow's very bitter). Hope any of this help. It did for me. I currently am in the cycle beside no pain. (I'm 16)

Vagina sound out?

maybe you are depressed?

Birth control question.?

Well if you own a lot of stress next that could be it. Or dieting or exercise. And if you dont get it any time soon than ask for a particular pill.
My sister sisnt have hers for 5 months and they put her on a pill that made her hold it.

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