I had unprotected sex two days before my period. can i be pregnant?

my boyfriend and i had sex two days ago and my time of year was supposed to come on the second light of day. it has not come. can i be pregnant? what is a womans' lowest possible fertile days?

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I just now came across this next to my husband. we use the ryhthym method and to both our surprise my period come the same dark we had unprotected sex. i didn't seize pregnant but every womans body is different. we dont all ovulate 14 days from our extent. our periods dont finishing the same amount of time. I not long found a great site to help keep hold of track of your most fertile days. you can register at www.mycycle.com. if you are really worried you should speak to your gynecologist. Good luck!

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You can grasp pregnant at any time. There are no safe days.

When am i going to start my time of year?

Actually you are more fertile 14 days after your period.. and even though everyone is different.. its usually 10 - 14 days after your length that you are the most fertile. I suppose if your cycle is way bad.. you could be pregnant.. I would get checked simply in defence.

I have be getting dizzy what could it be?

you're not likely to be pregnant, but it's possible.

I wouldn't roll the dice on unprotected sex... ever.

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