Period quiz. im 14.?

kay so i got my first long ago then 5 months then my second and now my third. a month after. everytime i sit on toilet blood flows out and a few clots and it feels irregular but im getting a bit on pad. and after everytime i sit on toilet and blood comes out my stomach hurts. is it normal for my stomach to hurt?

Answers:    Yes honey its average for your stomach to hurt take midol. I would see a doctor about big or alot of clots.
hi, what you are experiencing is conventional, yet scary. As we start to develop, the hormones contained by our bodies cause our periods to act in response differently for the first little while. If your stomach hurts, you can try taking a Tylenol and laying a hot water bottle across your pelvic nouns.

As for the heavier flow while you are using the washroom - this too may be normal. Continue to wear a pad while the flow is still calorific. As the flow lessens, you may find in more comfortable to wear a light-days panty liner.

Remembering that your interval is still fontffrequently occurring, you might what to tuck a pantyliner in an envelope and then hang on to it in your backpack. Carrying an envelope to the bathroom is not obvious. Teachers become suspicious if you steal your whole backpack to the washroom.
I'm a teacher, and I use a pencil shield. I can carry a pencil case down the lobby with out any questions..
what's really hurting are the muscles around and surrounded by the uterus.. before you have your time every woman ovulates, meaning that an egg is released from the ovum. in preparation for fertilization, within is a build up of tissue, nerves and blood vessels in the uterus. if you don't hold sex or if the egg isn't fertilized by sperm, the body needs to get rid of adjectives the tissue formed. when you have your period the muslces inside are twisting and churning to draw from rid of the lining that was created to attain ready for what is really hurting are the muscles that are getting rid of the blood vessels that formed contained by the uterus. Yes of course it's normal. Sometimes girls hold different preferences when it coms to making their stomach feel better. Sometimes it feels better if you lay down on the floor and put your foot up against a wall or something. And yes it is also normal for blood to come out like that. .
It's usual to experience cramps but there are various remedies. I'm not sure if they work but contained by the drugstore they make these pads that grill up and go inside a garment. I forget what they're called but you can ask the pharmacist. yes, because you are probably hungry. you will other be craving food when you are on your period .
cramps yes cuz u r either cramping, or u might be hungry

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