Uggh, minister to?

Alright, I haven't gotten a period since Jan.11th. I'm not on medication, and I've never had sex. Should I be concerned?
Should I see someone? Mature answers please.

Heart palptations.?

are you stressed? do you hold alot on your mind?
sometimes your period might not be regular if you have have it for less than 3 years. Just wait another month and if it still does not come afterwards you can check with your doctor

Cramps, pains after pap??

depending on how long you've been menstruating you may own just not gotten on a normal cycle but. you may just wanna go to a doctor a short time ago for a check up. maybe get on some birth control to regulate your period

Donating my eggs?? Help from women who've done this.?

No, you shouldn't worry. As long as you are a virgin you are fine. It can be from many different things resembling stress, excersise, weight change, and other things.

Is this the start of my second spell?

MOst probably due to stress it can affect your period like that but go return with checked by your gp it will put your mind at rest and stop streesing you out.

Headaches n sex?

Have you got an eating disorder? If so it stops period. And it means you have gone to far. If not I'm really not to sure. Ask ya doctor or mum.. Someone that will know.

Please answer..Period interview.?

Defenitly see a doctor

On the pill, presently contained by the week break and no term even so :S?

The Canadian Government and Pregnancy?
Im really stressed.?
Period stories?
  • Ob/GYN pap smear. I haven't have a pap since jan 05. And i have mild dyspilaisa
  • Tummy hurts TRUE desperate. What should I do?

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