Facial fuzz on women?

Hi i want to no if anyone has have the laser done, as i have facial tresses all over my cheek line and chin, upper lip. I hold to shave twice a day as i am confused to go anywhere if i havent done it. I dont disappear my house until i have, and blusher is getting expensive to cover it. I have be told i have poly cycstic ovaries so i dont no if this will work for me. I also enjoy too many mannish hormones in my body which is another lead to this this, I have be told it could work for me but i want to know have any other women beside the same problem be through it yet.
PLEASE HELP thankyou.



i enjoy never had it done, however if i be you, i would definelty have it done, i would fisrt do some research on this thing on the web, and next seek out a trained medical professional, who does this for a living, i would look for within refrencesand research there environment the same mode you would if you were have plastic surgery, they are touching your face, you can never be to reliable, when in douubt if this will work for you, alwasy ask your medical dr for at hand opipion, best of luck, and try not to be embarrassed, impose its something you cant help, and your trying to coreect the problem

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I would suggest you ask your dr. around HRT (hormone replacement therapy) and get those ovaries checked out.

If you're an elder lady, already enjoy your kids and all, why not tolerate them repair or remove those polycystic overies?

Also, bleaching may be a viable alternative to shaving. Plucking would be better, too, although a bit painful but you find used to it.

Sorry, I dont know much about the laser procedures but I know electrolysis (sp?) removes hackle permanently.

Help! I involve help!?

No I enjoy not been through it ,but if you are on harmone pills it will return , Pills women steal are men harmon 's so there fore down on face.

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Nope, I have hear of it though(I think). My 2 epileptic aunts have facial hair(really obnoxious but I'm use to seeing it so ya), and my mom gets a bit bit too; but she just shaves it. My mom have tried creams and wax, but there inferior they say they're; so I don't know what would work. I freshly get one little piece of pelt on my chin(I hate it too) and it keep growing in the same spot dammit(lol), but I of late use my razor and its adjectives good. I am thanful I am not as downy on the face as my aunts and mother, I would quality just horrible honestly; and I am also appreciative I don't have bushy eyebrows approaching some people, which is great impose I don't need to wax or pluck them(well possibly to pluck the odd hairs). Btw lately do what you feel is best I utter.

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hey im a beauty psychiatric therapist and i have alot of ladies coming to see me to rid of their lip and chin coat - some just want it bleached as here is not too many hair there, some prefer wax and some prefer being epilated.

epilation is where on earth the therapist inserts a small syringe into each fuzz follicle, then puts on a small current which cuts sour the blood supply to the hair, the plunger is removed the ahi is removed and the hair will never grow fund there again!

this is a time consuming treatment and you merely have partially an hour at a time - but i have have so many women thank me so much for completely getting rid of their facial hairs!!

some completly get rid of the hairs in a few months others took up to 8 months, but if u want rid of these hairs forever epilation is a brilliant course!

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