I don't know if I simply started my time?

I haven't felt anything like cramps or stuff today and I have to go to the bathroom and when I wiped myself I saw spots of red stuff on the toilet serious newspaper. Is it my period??? I feel resembling I'm stupid asking this question but I just don't quality like it's my time to have my length. It feels so weird. I don't know if any other girls feel like this but yeah, just wondering.

Answers:    yes, you are probably within the early stages of getting/having periods. open to decide on which feminine hygiene products you are going to use. no need to jump to the doctor yet, however, if you are really worried about it, shift to see a dotor to put your mind at ease. millions of girls go through this respectively month..
It feels weird for everyone, and you hold to get used to having it appear to you but i know you can do it, every girl does.
I would say that since you actually saw blood that yes, it is your first length. First periods are often severely light, can be a red color, brown or orangish, are more like spotting and own little to no PMS symptoms (headaches, backaches, cramps, mood swings) But as your body continues to get used to have a monthly cycle it should be easier to tell when its coming.
Just in suitcase your bleeding increases ask your mom or a friend for a pad or a panty liner (a very awfully light pad)
As you get used to have your period you might want to start using tampons just ask mom or a friend to back you learn to put one in.

It may not consistency like your time but your mind doesnt control your time, your body does. So no worries, you'llg et used to it, it's just your bodies instrument of telling you you're growing up.

Good Luck
you don't have to draw from cramps when you get your first period, I didn't. I woke up one morning (it be sunday dec. 04 1994...lol) and it was all over my underpants. It's not alway rosy brown either. Browner blood usually means it's be there a while the brighter red it is the more recent the bleeding began. If your mom is around, verbalize to her. If not, is there an older girl or woman you trust you can cooperate to about it? Even if there is nought wrong (and I doubt there is) it's a good conception to talk to someone about it. Good luck! And Congrats! Hun :) Yesyes i belive you only got your period.

BUT! I wouldnt be in motion and tell everyone now. Because my mistake when i get my period was recounting the whole family and they have a little "womanhood" party and consequently i went to the doctors and found out it was something else totally different :P

I say-so you put a piece of toilet paper in your panties and loaf a day an if there are spots of blood on it later yes go TELL! :D But if it only pops up when you wipe, i say-so wait until they enter your panties :).

Just a little peppy cheer;
WELCOME TO WOMANHOOD (this other freaked me out when i got my period) :P.
if it is be your first time getting it, it probably wouldnt be red yet. when you attain it it is normally a brownish-redish color. so you could have it, or here might be something wrong with your area. so you should def. have a chat to your mom and she will decide if you have it or if you stipulation to go to the doctor's. Yes. Welcome to womanhood!

You don't necessarily get cramps and bloating every time.

I never have a feeling anything like that, and mine is very short. Every woman is different.
You will have a feeling awkward at first, and very weird. And don't verbs you aren't stupid.

Best of luck! .
You could be about to start...that could be what the little red spots are.trust me, when you start, you will know! lol.if you don't start in the subsequent month or two, I would tell your mom to take you to the doctor Yup. Mine be te same. I tried to deny it, but I would get some pads soon. It may start street lamp, but it may go into a heavier flo soon! You can also go to: beingagirl.com
to catch some info and stuff on it!.
CONGRATS welcome to being a woman hun it everyday ask your buds if they had theres and if you ever run out of pads the nurse have them in her office and trust me your teacher migth have them 2 if you have any more probs email me Sounds to me similar to you just got your interval. My sister felt like that when she first started so your not the solitary one. .
Yeah...its normal to have mixed atmosphere when it all starts. Its probably your period so its time to dance get some protection (pads). ye if its ur first time it sounds like the start of them , mine started close to that too. .
awww!You poor thing!You are not alone.Tons of girls feel that route.yes that would be your period.Some girls do not really cramp.

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