Irregular interval...serve..?

I'm 14 and I know I'm young plenty that an irregular period is average. But I've had it for 3 1/2 years presently and this is the first time it's been...different. I just get it every other month and when I do grasp it, it only last 2 to 3 days. What might have triggered this? Why does it appear? Why is it so short? Why does it skip every other month? Help...

Answers:    Firstly if its short you are lucky! People can have them up to approaching 10 days. Stress, extreme weight loss and exercise and impossible diet can tigger irregular periods, but they can be confidently treated using birth control tablets. Make sure you are eating right.
it could still be an irregular time of year. if not after you should check with you're doctor, i don't meditate it's extremely serious. Periods come to every woman differently, some people one and only get period once or twice a year! I shouldn't worry almost it, manythings can affect it like stress or a swing in diet
You are still amazingly young in need much history to go by, however, this is what happen to me. I suffered with irregular period a good portion of my existence. It was regularly caused by too low body portly as I exercised and ran profusely. I also did not eat a robust diet as I was contained by the Modeling industry and always dieting. Another issue that cause it was stress. I be traveling a lot and underneath a great deal of stress at work. It basically made things happen adjectives through my body, but especially with me cycles. It get so bad sometimes that i would hold to take a pill from the Doctor to bring it put money on.

It may seem great to be minus a period, however, it is not majority. A woman's body is designed to ovulate and without that regular function, so frequent tings will change.

Please see your OBGYN and communicate them what is happening. They may also do a thyroid experiment and some other tests to look at in no doubt levels within your body. Then really think almost your diest, your exercise routines, and your level of stress. I hope at 14 neither of these issues are fruitless.

Good luck.
singthings right.

when you're young it is extremely common to own irregular periods, it is because of your body getting used to the hormones you are in a minute producing in sundry quantities. It will embezzle a few years for your body to become leveled out and for you to fall into a regular cycle. Also you enjoy to remember that periods progress off lunar cycles, not calender days. Calender days come and go up to 4 days each year. So starting on the 12th one month doesn't propose you will start on the 12th every month.

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