Is it true that if you bring a pregancy test while on birth control(pill) it will other be pos.?

I had unprotected sex 3 weeks after starting the pill. Some nation say skulk a month but the booklet said if I start taking the pills the first day of my extent I do NOT need a backup method. I've be on it for a month and a few days and I got my time when I took the green pills that start it. However I'm wondering if I am pregnant .

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No- a pregnancy interview is not affected by the pill. When started inside 6 days of the start of a period, the pill is impressive immediately. If the Pill is started at other times, it will be decisive after one month. It usually takes 2-3 months for your cycles to become regulated, so time of year abnormalities and spotting are possible. When taken every daylight, the pill is up to 99% effective within preventing pregnancy, so though a very low destiny it is still possible. If your period does not regulate itself within 3 months time, you will need to turn back to your doctor as it's possible any pregnancy has occur or you need a different dosage of the pill.

When nouns comes from vaginal, is that good or desperate?

very unlikely honey

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Pregnancy tests simply measure the level of HCG, a special hormone that occurs surrounded by the body ONLY when a woman is pregnant..birth control will have no effect on your pregnancy theory test result whatsoever...

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No, it should be the opposite

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You should really pilfer a home pregnancy test. If it's positive, afterwards take yourself to your local doctors or sexual strength clinic ( If in South Aus - Go to SHine). You can take another confirmation one in that and they can advise you on proper use of birth control.

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Yes, it will show irregardless!


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Did he inside of you? If not I wouldn't even stress it..I only enjoy unprotected sex and I have never have an issue with any girl who is on the pill......

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I enjoy been on and sour the pill since I was 18. Every time I own been precribed the pill, my doctor told me EVERY TIME to use a subsidise up method for the first month. If you have a positive pregancy exam, I suggest you go and see a Doc. Hope this help.

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not necessarily if you havent have your period by the fall of the next pack see a Dr

Can someone lose consignment without exercises?

who told you that?? don't listen to ever entry you here!
AND...always double up!!! what more or less STD's?? this is your life, don't mess it up. is some guy really worth the freaking out?? DOUBLE up or dally until your responsible enough to enjoy sex.
double up means,condom and the pill

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