Pain from C-section scar during intercourse?

Sometimes when my husband and I are having sex, if he does rock-hard deep thrusts (which I really love) it feels similar to a sharp pain associated next to my c-section scar, on the inside. And at times it is amazingly sharp, and I have to let somebody know him to slow down. Have any other ladies had this problem?

Yeast infection give a hand please!?

You could have lots of defacement tissue and adhesions..Better hold your Dr. check it out!! Also ya might have them check for endrometriosis.It is immensely painful.I have to have surgery for that a couple of years ago..GOOD LUCK!!

Could I hold Tss?..Girls/Women only please?

yes! depending on how long it have been since your c-section you could still be heeling. my doctor told me it could clutch up to one year before you are fully heal on the inside and it will still be pain full. the individual thing you can do really is run it slow and allow for the inside to heal

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