My period is so strange its be like this for in the order of 4/5 years i dont know what to do?

I suffer from throwing up, weakness, strong cramps, cold and hot flashes, cant drink dairy etc every month and its horrible, i sometimes cry because i hate so much. I own gone to my GP but he said he cant do anything about it, singular put me on the pill. But because of its reaction on my cousin who be similar to me i decided not to. Paracetimol does not work it purely makes the throwing up worse. Some months i dont suffer from adjectives the symptoms but sometimes its really BAD. Now the funny thing in the region of this is that on the FIRST day of my interval i have adjectives these symptoms BUT the day after IM OKAy i can run, get, u name it, and im free of any throbbing. How weird. Any one PLEASE HELP !!

Is it echelon really bother u?

List with another doctor! Paracetamol is no obedient, you need any NSAID's or something to ease the peritoneal muscles. The trick is to nick the prescribed drug before you start painful if possible. Some drugs can also be taken as nasal sprays or flakes that you dilute surrounded by your mouth, so you can have nouns even though nauseous. If you want some form of birth control that help, I'd suggest a hormonal coil. Takes a while to take effect but I find mine have helped beside my period pains. Anyways, nearby are loads of treatment plans, and you shouldn't suffer unnecessarily!
I hope this helped, apposite luck!

Guys please, attraction question?

Have you thought of trying the Mini-pill? It can assist regulate your period and doesn't hold as many hormones (mainly estrogen) as the regular so you probably wont see as lots side effects. Also, try getting yourself on a strict exercise regiment. It doesn't have to be hardcore, only consistent. Try speed walking three days a week. For some reason, this seem to help. Avoid pungent foods and lots of water surrounded by the week before your spell (still drink enough to stay hydrated) to assist with bloating. Is at hand anything you can eat that doesn't label you nauseous? If so, try singular eating that for breakfast for the days prevailing up to your period. Also, drink breakfast at the same time (or really close to equal time) each time. The best advice I can present you is to get yourself into a routine, and slowly tweak that until your symptoms are gone. Then stick to it. Good luck!

I'm startled!!?

Ask GP to refer you to a gynaecologist and ask them to inser the 'mirena' coil. Takes a while to work sometimes but stick with it and it's super.

Period Pain?

Try to read in the order of clay, use it and pray. God can help us the best style Him!

Why doesn't my gf brush her teeth after she's done down there?

tell your GP you want to be referred to a gynaecologist

What do you know in the region of Mirena and IUDs?

I would go to a gynecologist if I be you. They specialize in this type of medication and keep up on adjectives of the latest meds. GP's may not other do this in the area of gynecology. Make an appointment! You should not have to suffer similar to you are. Good luck!! :)

She is coneing home in 2 hours?


Why don't girls get skid results?

see your doctor for goodness sake that's what he's nearby for

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