Travelling with my interval?

im going away for a week and im going to be on my period (i hold long ones!) anyways, iv never travelled when im on before, this may appear like a silly ask, but how many packet of pads should i obligation to take? im staying next to granma and her boyfriend so i cant really buy any more once i get here. ( i know everyones different but just a rough impression!) also how should i deal near like diposing things, because im abit worried give or take a few throwing at away in their house? thanks

Women problems?

Buy the heavier pads for nighttime. I'd filch at least 2 pack (18-20 per pack). Also, take some plastic lots (like the ones you get at the grocery) and put your "trash" contained by there. If you enjoy an opportunity to put your "trash" in the trashcan within, do it. If not (and I know this will gross some people out), tie the bag(s) tightly and bring them home for disposal.

Your grandma will work out if you have any trouble. Don't be afraid to articulate to her in private.

Good luck! :)

When your on birth control do you start your length at night or during the year?

What I typically do when I'm going on a trip is take anything pack/box I have unequivocal PLUS a full, un-opened brand new one. LIke you said, its better only just to be safe and bring plenty since you can't really buy anymore.

Don't stress out in the region of it - its normal. We will adjectives travel while on our period at some point. You will still hold fun. :-)

Take whatever pack you hold open very soon and a BRAND new one!

Good luck!

Issues next to birth control?

I would take at smallest three big packets, purely to be sure.

If u drink alot of vinger before u start your.?

Just attach up how much you usually use a day x the number of days you enjoy your period. Then of late pack a few extras just surrounded by case. As for disposing, freshly wrap your pad tidily and securely surrounded by its wrapper and cover it with toilet tabloid to make it inconspicuous.

Irregular and bedside light period?

Take to paks of 28's that should be plenty for you to change every time needed.

Will I draw from TSS if I wear a tampon for about 9 hours?

I suggest you bring around .. 40 of them.. since it's not healthy to depart from dirty pad un-changed for a long time, so it's right if you can change it around 3 - 4 times a sunshine. But since your going on a trip, can you probably change it 2x a sunshine on minimum amount. I also suggest you use the " Thin and long " always , im not sure if thats what its call, but .. it's thin and wrapped surrounded by orange wrapping, but the correct thing is that it own strong holds and is very long so you don't escape on the back or front of your undies. ^^ Have fun.

Would have unprotected sex with a girl on her spell affect the chances or her getting pregnant?

Always embezzle more than you think you'll inevitability just to be sure. I can't really make a contribution you an amount because I don't know how bad you bleed or how long. But a short time ago take what you customarily use plus an extra package simply in luggage. Your grandma went through this so lately tell her if you want. She should own a trashcan in her bathroom only throw than in that and rework the can yourself if your not comfortable with everyone knowing. But I'll explain to you this it used to embarrass me too but it is a fact of enthusiasm. It happens to every woman and men don't articulate anything to you about it. They'd fairly not discuss it so don't stress about it perfect luck and try to enjoy your break anyways

What is your bra size?

Why wouldn't you be able to buy more when you seize there? Doesn't trade name sense to me. I'm sure your grandmother would understand since she's gone through it since.

I usually buy a pack and take them adjectives with me. Better hold more then not adequate.

As for disposing of them, I'm sure they must have a junk in the bathroom. Just gross sure their wrapped up properly and it should all be fine.

Plz guide me on this??

how plentiful pads u should appropriate depends on how heavy ur flow is. how lots pads do u stir through in one week at home? it never hurts to bring too many, however i suggest that u shouldnt lift less than 10. also, u may not own tried these before, but near tampons u dont have to verbs about shifting them as much and u wouldnt have to purloin alot of them. some tampons are flushable, too. u should try them.

on disposing things, just brand name sure to wrap ur used pads and wrappers within toilet paper and next throw them away. that way, when somebody throws something away, they wont be able to see ur "items".

Should I shave down at hand with adjectives of these ingrown hairs?

Bring a exceedingly large pack of pad. When you dispose of a used pad, wrap it contained by the wrapper it came contained by... if blood is still visible, wrap it contained by toilet paper also

Does anyone esle cry after have sex?

well i would take a box! lets utter of 30 maybe

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