Period behind time but used a condom that didn't break?

The last time I have sex was on the 30th, a daylight after I was supposed to achieve my period, and I used a condom that didn't break. Also, my boyfriend didn't come. Because of this I don't assume I'm pregnant, but I'm a week late for my length. I'm stressed so it could be because of that, and also because I recently switched dosages of Accutane, a hormone drug for acne. Is it doubtful that I'm pregnant?

Help me shop for over the counter birth control please! =)?

If the condom didn't break and more importantly if your boyfriend didn't come, you're pretty much definatly not pregnant/
It's terrifically common to get hold of random belatedly periods. Mine are other irregular.

If it still hasn't come by the time your next one (after this one) is due. Do a oral exam.
Also, periods can be artificial by large amounts of stress.

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It's really hard to read out. You might be pregnant, you might not be. Only time, and a pregnancy test will detail.

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Sounds to me that the only entity causing your length to be late is...STRESS!! Stop worrying in the region of it...relax. If you are certain that you are not pregnant, than clam down and dawdle for you period to come. =)

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Just achieve a test, it won't hurt to go and get one at all. It will solitary ease your mind eventually. So get a check.

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If you had sex a morning AFTER you were supposed to achieve your period, afterwards your period be already late earlier having sex. Highly doubtful you're pregnant, the body act weird sometimes within being "on time" near periods, especially if you're on medication or highly stressed. Give it time, but don't sweat it. It doesn't nouns likely considering the circumstances.

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This comment is for adjectives reference, even if your boyfriend doesn't come and the condom breaks, or you don't use one, you can still obtain pregnant. Just keep that contained by mind. The pre-come can still make you pregnant.

Most potential, if you've changed your dosage and you're stressed, that will cause your time to be late. Don't stress so disappointingly about it [yes, I know it's hard] and try exercising. I find that help when I'm stressed about my interval.

And what is PMS?

babe i don't think you are pregnant but what you enjoy said at the top makes sence however i would buy a preg try-out just to trade name sure that you aren't

Ladies eyes only.!?

A couple of different things could be going on here.1. If you are on birth control pills, the Accutane could render the pill ineffective. 2. Even though your boyfriend did not come, it is possible that there be pre-ejaculate that was released and can make happen you to become pregnant. 3. If you are under greatly of stress right now you're body and be react and your period is in arrears as a result. You're best bet is to go to your doctor and own blood drawn for a pregnancy test which is more accurate than the ones that you buy at the grocery store. Best of luck to you.

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