Irregular and light interval?

My period hasn't be normal lately. It's be much lighter and irregular. I skipped a month, then have a light term, and then almost a week later have another one. My body has be recovering from severe malnutrition but it's be a year and I don't know why my period still isn't typical. Anyone know? By the way, I know I am NOT pregnant. lol

My avatra is wronge?

By 'severe famine' i am guessing you mean adjectives yourself, something similar to the deadly disease Anorexia. I'm low to say, that after 'severe famine' it is a possibility that your periods will stop and you will hold trouble conceiving a baby surrounded by the future. I enjoy this problem (as I suffered from anorexia) and it's heartbreaking for me to think that I might not ever be capable of have children. It might be like peas in a pod for you. I hope you're okay. Maybe post a follow-up after a visit to the doc? x

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