I have be having profoundly of problems lately and I am trying to figure some of them out. My entire stomach hurts next to a lot of dull pain. It is difficult to lie down or sit up. And when I grasp up I get dizzy and nauseas. At the moment I meditate I have a urinary tract infection, but I do not know if these symptoms are allied to it. Can you help?

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you can dance to or to find more out on urinary tract infections. i hope what you find there will also relieve explain your other symptoms. make sure someone know youre not feeling very well! be safe <3

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U own a urine infection if you use the bathroom and it burns whiling peeing. Your symptoms put me that you could have an stomach bug and it will stir away soon please drink a lot of dampen.

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You should turn to the E.R. to get checked.

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The symptoms of a urinary tract infection are
- a strong, persistant urge to urinate
- A burning sensation when urinating
- passing frequent small amounts of urine
- Blood in urine or cloudy strong smeeling urine
There are more than one type of urinary tract infection

which includes
-Infection of your kidneys may ensue after spreading from an infection in your bladder. Kidney infections can cause upper put a bet on and flank pain, high-ranking fever, shaking chills, nausea, and vomiting

which includes
Inflamaton or infection in your bladder may result in pelvic pressure, lower tummy discomfort, frequent, painful urination, and strong smelling urine.
These may be some of the cause but i think that u should turn to the doctor just to be sure. I hope that u consistency better.. GO TO THE DOCTOR. good luck if u entail any more info... just email me. GOODLUCK
PS- I hope u grain better

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It does not nouns lilke you have a Uniary atract Infection but you could possibly own Acid Reflux or G.E.R.D. You may also have a microbes inside your tummy caused by the sour. My husband has this immediately and its called Helicobacter Pylori, Here is a website of a GASTROINTEROLOGIST which is a stomach and digestive system doctor. It list diseases of the digestive system or intestinal tract plus symptoms,maybe you will see your syptoms on this site and it might give a hand you. Also DR.KOOP.COM is a great place where you can type surrounded by symptoms and it comes back next to possible problems. Both sites have Doctor Chat areas so you can ask question. Ultimately, your best bet is to go to the doctor if you don't have a feeling any better by the first of the week. Check out the gastro site and dr.koop and take it glib. Hope you feel better soon!

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When I get a really desperate one my stomach hurts pretty badly and I am incredibly nauseas. Let a doc check you out.

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I think you hold =gas some fiber and drink a coke..and permit it out..please..dont light any match.

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Go to a doctor. If you contemplate you have a bladder infection and it go on without anyone treated, it can cause a kidney infection and that will destroy you if you don't treat it.

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sounds similar to gas! or gallstones

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