What are the definate risks of sex.what are the bonusus?


Does anyone know about a woman selling their eggs- no religious comments?

Risks of sex: Pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases (such as AIDS, genital herpes, chlamydia, etc.), and excited problems if you are not ready for sex.

Bonuses: A great bearing to become more intimate and closer to your partner (preferable your fiance or husband/wife, or very serious partner that you enjoy been daing for a long extent of time). Can be very pleasurable.

Is it usual to have 2 period in 1 month?

risks are getting pregnant or and STD
as for the bonuses...in good health i dont know im a virgin

Will we have problem surrounded by future?

you can achieve AIDS, HPV, syphallis, gonnorhea, herpes, the crabs, genital lice. as the saying go, you play, you pay.

skulk until you are married to someone you truly love.

I have slight pains from my departed that move to my right lower half. I have an ectopic pregnancy & a large cyst?

Bad things are to hold a baby 9 months next.STD's.ure parents finding out

Good things are the pleasure

Is it common for a character after full hysterectomy or partial to have bloody urine stains on their panties?

Bonus.you will bring back boys to talk to you.

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