Antibiotics and Birth Control?

I have be taking Tri Nessa for about 4 years immediately and take my pills as indicated. I have unprotected sex three days before starting on Penicillin. I know that the antibiotic can take home the pill less important. I have not have any sex while taking the antibiotic. Could my sex three days earlier be effect by the antibiotic?

I got my time (girls only)?

Well, it depends. Sperm can live in fertile cervical mucous for a few days. If you be fertile when you had unprotected sex, the sperm could still be sagging around a few days later. If you weren't fertile, it's not predictable. Now that said, if you are using your birth control absolutely correctly (though copious women don't), you shouldn't have a fertile fanlight at all, since bc's prevalent job is to curtail ovulation. Without fertile fluids, sperm can not live that long, and they wouldn't be around days subsequently to take authority of any antibiotic mishaps.

Just to be safe, procure some condoms for backup protection! Best of luck to you!

Girls only plz.assist!?!?

no it cannot.. dont worry. the antibiotic be not in your system on the other hand, and at the time your birth control was the one and only thing working in your body. taking it for four years as indicated probably finances its working pretty well and you shouldnt verbs

Can someone be more likely, or prone to, ingrown toenails more than others?

That's a quiz for a doctor, but having unprotected sex while on the pill isn't a guarantee you won't conceive. A put somebody through the mill to consider would be where you be at in your cycle when you unavailable in unprotected sex. I wouldn't verbs so much about the antibiotic three days after, but the unprotected sex using a pill that's not 100%.

Good luck!

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