Can someone be more imagined, or prone to, ingrown toenails more than others?

My 14 yr old daughter seem to have ingrown toe- and occasionally fingernails repeatedly. Not too much, maybe once a month this happen.
She has apposite hygene habits, so i dunno why this happen.
Can someone be more prone to them than others?
Cheers x


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Ok i have an ingrown toenail on the same big toe for close to 3 years it sucks and very prickly the best thing for your daughter to take is surgery on it make sure you carry it from a foot doctor. It doesnt really matter on hygiene even though that help. Ingrown toenails happen when someone stubs thir foot wear tight shoes and if they dont clip their nails straight afterwards that causes a biger problem. The paw ingrown nail can be from possibly hitting it maybe she bites it tofar dow to be exact if she bites them but actually own never heard of someone have it on thir fingers but my guess is she stubbed it somewhere or clips them wrong. I hope that Helps!!
The best thing you can do for yur daughter is bring her to a foot doctor that is the best piece my mom ever did and i havent had it since. Also if she starts to enjoy one put a thin piece of cotton lower than the edge of the staple so the nail will grow oer it. thwe cotton mostly blocks the fastener from going into the skin . Hope that helps. If your daughter doesnt wnat to jump to the doctor take her anyways i feel the same instrument and i am so happy that my mom took em. If you wnat to know roughly the procedure the first thing they will do is numb the toe or finger and they will after just cut the staple out of the skin. and thats all Its immensely quick and merely takes similar to 15 minutes. Shot hurts a little bit but not as unpromising as the naingrown toenail. Also about the hygeine if her foot sweat alot get foot powder because when it sweats it will bring into her nail nouns and eventually will get infected.

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It's often down to the opening a person trims their nail. You should really trim them flat across, not rounded or too close to the nail bed.

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I dream up some people might be more prone to it than others, I believe within might be a genetic component - some tendency towards have them. It seems to run within one side of my family, an assortment of family member in different generation had it and my cousin even have a toenail removed! I get them too. You could see a podiatrist or doctor if it's really impossible. I've given up on that and just put up near it, or deal beside it myself. I think as mentioned, the bearing you trim your nails can enjoy an impact, although I tried all sorts and it didn't support.

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