Why do i own this distress?

I have like NO impression why, but i have been have a sorness on my area...yeah, thats what i call it..i havent really be exersizing.but i still have a soreness there.i dont know what i medium,.so could someone tell me?? thanks! [:

Can some one facilitate me beside this?

You may own or be getting a bladder infection.
Do you have the frequent urge to pee, or the feeling you want to pee when you really don't?

Also you should...
Watch for symptoms like Pain when you pee, redness, discharge, itching, burning. These may be signs of other vaginal infections, such as a yeast infection, Bacterial Vaginosis or trichomoniasis.

please...appointment your doctor

PEriod give a hand please!!!?

I had pain surrounded by that area, it was extreme dull pain at times, I went
to see my family doctor and I be diagnosed with endometriosis after alot of tests and an operation. I'm not trying to upset you, but look it up to see if you have any symptoms. Pain is not normal contained by any part of your body, it means that something is wrong, but it does not plan it's a major problem. You may be to young to hold endometriosis,
but then you may already have it. I'm not a doctor, only someone with this disease.

Does my girlfriend inevitability a boob livelihood?

If you are personally concerned, move about to your doctor. This past weekend I was concerned more or less something, that probably is going to end up being nought .. but just getting it checked out can put you at ease. But hey .. It's not similar to it's gunna hurt anything, and if something really is wrong, then you'll know about it!

What is surrounded by ortho tri cyclin lo?

You enjoy herpies..herpies is always the answer

Boob size..girls answer..?

have you be having sex? or wearing a tampon?

How do i bring back rid of stretch results, im 18 yrs hoary, please oblige, its causuing me severe body figurine issues, pleas

if you mean on your vagina consequently yes! you need to go see somone

SeX!!! I AM ONLY 13?

Is it better to use tampons or pad?i am exotic at this and am startled to use tampons..?
Sick :'-(. Please back.?
Why can't I grasp a tampon contained by?
  • Depo-provera injection?
  • What should I do? Please aid!?

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