What's the most embarrassing article that happened to you at conservatory?

mine was have an erection during a medical

New easy sympathetic tampon wrapper?

You poor thing - let hope you never see that nurse again . was the nurse masculine or female?!

Mine be .. weeing in the middle of the lesson! I be only 7 - but it's engraved on my memory forever! I be such a quiet child that I couldn't speak up to ask to stir to the loo - so, it just happen - there on my bench! The funniest thing be - when I was found out, I said it must enjoy been a escape in the roof - and it be just rainfall that had made a puddle on the floor!

I'm immediately going to die with embaressment adjectives over again!

Extremely Gross but plz dont report?

ok here goes. when i be about 6 be in the egg and spoon see on parents day.we used to do pe within vest and nickers and we had horrible brown college nickers and my elastic go..

Aren't IUDs dangerous?

Begin on stage and have someone come behind me and verbs down my pants I be 15 at the time. How cruel

Help w/ pregnancy problem needed?

I asked the teacher to move about to the loo as I felt sick. I be told no so proceeded to vomit in my maths book!

I perceive sorry for the kids that call out Mum instead of Miss. pocket the shame!

Sex question.?

when i forgot to complete my home work

Boobs.grls with the sole purpose?

i took some E with my crush at a park after we ditched and we come back to college making out in front of everyone and aphorism random things liek how we be "in love" to anyone we saw. yeeeahh the subsequent day citizens gave me some nice looks.

Did anybody hold any reactions after gettig sour the birth control pill?

I was throwing a peace of chalk during class on one of the front row students...he moved asside and the chalk hit the instructor! excessive to say what happen after that

How do I get my fiancy to instigate up and relax,want her to tell me her fantisy and who it would be next to?

I think it be calling the teacher Mum... yeah i get some serious grief from that!!

How can I loose my the fat bad my stomach?

Having a nasty bladder infection at primary institution. I asked to go to the loo so recurrently, the teacher asked one of the other lads to study me pee, to see if I was pretending.

The little swine did it too. I produced around two drips. I mean who can pee next to someone watching, even when they are well?

There's worse, but I'm keeping that to myself.

Has anyone tried ThreeLac for candida? Does it really work or is it simply hype?

basket ball final ( we do play it in England) teeming house, leaped up for a ball lost my shorts, afterwards fell over when they got to my ankles, mind you i did attain a good few date after ward

Am I pregnant?

I farted leaning over to put something in a jar. I be in the 4th category. But my love then and presently came to my rescue by motto it was no big buy and sell cause everyone does it, next he farted louder than i did infront of the whole class. He be my hero.

Late period?

i forgot adjectives about that.

Period interrogate?

showing some of my class mates masculine and female what a * be only to look and see the headmistress looking as i ....afterwards got expeled

I'm within my early 40s and have first mammogram?

OMG there are so oodles! My most embarassing one was when I vomited within the middle of Chemistry class. I had a really doomed to failure migraine and it was so unpromising that I was sick the entire class. I have also tripped on Powerade/ marine, gotten stuck to lockers, I even got stuck to a vending machine once, bumping into trash cans/ poles and folks, falling down with a skirt on and have everyone see my underwear! I also fell 3 times in one academy day, adjectives 3 times in greatly public places in the arts school. Some people who saw me adjectives 3 times were similar to "You fell.AGAIN!?" Lol. There are a lot more but I guess I should cut stern! But the Chemistry class one was categorically the most embarassing. I hope this answer helps =)

I'm 17 and my breasts hurt adjectives the time?

OK mine was getting my time of year at age 14 at the start of the school daytime and having no perception.
I had a grey blue uniform and although people laugh all the approach through recess and lunch time NOT ONE PERSON said anything. Not even my perfect friends.

It wasn't until after lunch when I needed to go to the loo to pee that I turned around for some object, I think to push my bench in. This be an even lighter blue colour and noticed the massive red discoloration. The size of my whole butt.

It be only afterwards that my whole class started laughing as I run off to the toilets crying. I finally saw what I have been walking around adjectives day beside covered over the back of my dress.

To rub saline into the wounds I had to ride my bike home and our Health/ 1st Aide Teacher be a male!

Shave time?

Phew, only just too many to detail! I have a touch waterworks problem and have to step the minute I feel the stipulation, that has lead to quite a few little puddles. I be ridiculed for it by most of the other girls, it was horrible. I enjoy always be clumsy, even banged my commander into a door at work recently and give myself concussion! So, haven't changed! I don't have many fond memories of college, but I'm just glad it's adjectives over.

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