Help w/ pregnancy problem needed?

I have be having bladder/urinary tract issues my integral PG. I'm almost to the end, 32 wks, but I seriously mull over that my OB is missing something. I have this super irritated bladder, any pee that go in must come out if not it hurts, sometimes it feels approaching I have acerbic in my bladder. It's extraordinarily painful and frustrating. I've be checked countless times for UTI, and I have none. I've even see a Urologist, but he thinks that it's newly a sensitive bladder w/ the weight of the uterus/hormones acting on it. I also sometimes carry pain vaginally that feel like a yeast infection, but it's not. Again I be told this is weight and hormones...have anyone else experienced this sort of problem during PG? It's really worrying me, and I've seen so various Drs. to try to figure this out and I save getting nothing out of them.

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I'm really sorry that you are going through all of this. I know how frustrating a UTI can be, much less what you're going through. I know tons women who have experienced similar symptoms during pregnancy, but here is hope... many times they resolve quickly afterwards!

I think you requirement to keep at it near the doctors. I know that might not be what you want to hear, since it's been frustrating for you, but the condition that you describe requires a physician who is liable to listen to you and work with you. And, relatives on line can't really provide the specific help out you need.

You are entitled to a second assessment, both from another OB and another urologist, and I recommend that you see both, especially if your symptoms don't resolve post pregnancy.

Best of luck to you and congrats on your upcoming new arrival!

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