How do I get my fiancy to enlarge up and relax,want her to tell me her fantisy and who it would be next to?

Even ack it out.Would blind folding help.Is near any thing I can make a contribution her such as a pill or??please be serious.

Why do birth control pills affect all women differently?

Dude, if she can't do that, she's any not worth the time and you'll never get any after you're married, or she'd a freak and afraid to read aloud anything.

Test her. Take her by suprise one day and gain seriously freaky with her. You'll eiter find out she's not worth it, your find out she is, or you might own just open a wonderful new door for her.

But, don't ask her who she would similar to to be with, it's probaly your best friend.

Oh lordy..PAP assessment?

It may be to wild for you to fiddle with, or she could just be afraid to enlighten you because it may be something you use against her. There is not one woman who I know that will not tell her man what her a game is unless she knows that he is

1= unawares mentally for it,

2= will not carry it out after it is told and

3= will use it against her or throw it in her facade.

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