Is something wrong w/ me?

im between the ages of 12-15 and im 227lbs but i dont look like it... my mom is 210 and shes bigger than me... is that odd?

I have stomach-ache on right side of my abdomen beneath the rib and i tried gaviscon and the pain wont stir away?

Not at all. its a concern of build and height. In glorious school I be 190 and only 5'6" but i be toned and athletic im a lil broader across the shoulders than most girls. my hands and foot r also larger than most. Not quite man size. purely not petite. Stay active. And truthfully I merely looked like I be around 140. Now that Im out of school and sit at work adjectives day i dont look comparatively as good lol. but hey we cant win adjectives the time.
love urself for who u r. Good luck

Im goin on holiday the week that im meant 2 b on my time of year next i want 2 swim and everything but i h8 tampons?

well, it depends on how high you are. if you are pretty tall approaching 5'6 and you have prettt big boobs next you might be a little overweight, but if you are drastically muscular and you are tall and own big boobs you could be pretty proporsionate. if you really feel your bulk does not seem to fit the rest of your bodys proporsions you should ask your doctor the subsequent time you have a pop in.

Is it normal?

If you are between age 12 and 15 and you weigh 227 pounds you are minus a doubt overweight unless you are over 6 feet elevated.

You may want to see a doctor about a diet that you can live beside to help you lose some substance. It's a lot easier to lose it know than to continue until you're an adult, believe me!

Whats is the diffrence contained by pricing when it comes to IUD and pills and the Depo Shot?

If at 15 you weigh 227 you have a weightiness problem that you should talk to a doctor going on for.

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