Anyone recently untied a balloon jam?


Can u swim w/ ur period and not hold to use a tampon?

not successfully im afraid, xxx

Where is the uterus located in the body?

No, but I think about it would be very intensely difficult.

I would like to here from some other woman so know i'm not alone am i the single woman who doesn't like anal sex

it be an orange balloon

Flesh ingestion disorder?

Is that slang for something?

What is the longest it is safe to set out a tampon in for?

Get a grip, ...hole!

Are growing pains a myth?

No, it's particularly hard to do in truth. I've tried so many times finishing weekend because it was my cousin's graduation participant and when my mom said the balloon was too small I have to try to open the kink and make it smaller, but I other ended up popping it!! lol You see why? I didn't know exactly how to answer this, but hpoe this help! Have a great 4th of July!! :o)

At the age of 21, is it okay to get plastic surgery done in need informing my family?

yes accually i did

Why do I achieve cramps after sex?

Yes, but it took lots of begging, some beer and a tube of KY.

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