Painful Urination/Bleeding after Sexual Activity?

Okay so about 4 days ago me and my boyfriend get 'intimate'. He fingered me only for the 3rd time. And he used more fingers than until that time. And after my vagina was swollen and sore. By the subsequent day it have gone down and felt a lil better. But yesterday I enjoy had aching urination and bleeding. And now it hurts more and even more blood is coming out. Does anybody know what could be going on?

Vaginal lump.?

Sounds resembling you have a urinary track infection. Go see a doctor. Chances are, microbes from his hands or your genitals get into your urinary track, causing this issue. UTI's can spread to the kidneys, cause severe pain and bug, so please, don't wait. In the meantime, drink extra hose (even though it makes you pee more, it will hurt less) and try some cranberry liquid, which will help decrease the pain.

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Blood contained by urine is never good. You should shift to a doctor.

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either you be dry or his finger nail cut you. If in attendance is a cut you need to attain some medicine to allow it to alleviate appropriately.

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It sounds like a bladder infection (cystitis).

Just jump to the doctor and he will subscribe something.

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This is gross but... he could have have an infection under his nail (nails are soooo dirty) and he could have scratched your vagina and infected it. It could enjoy torn because he used more fingers and that could have infected. The blood make me think you enjoy a urinary tract infection though. These can come from having "foreign" things in your nether regions. It's zilch to worry something like, drink a lot of marine and get to the doctor for some medication. You won't hold to tell him or your domestic what you think cause it because those infections happen on their own surrounded by plenty of young women.

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There may be an abrasion (scrape). Of course urinating would irritate it. Refrain from have relations of any kind for a few days. Allow this to alleviate. And next time be sure to be lubricated satisfactory.

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If you're a virgin - he broke your hymen. He penetrated a little to severely and now it also sounds similar to you have a bladder infection. That requirements to be checked out by a Dr. asap. It's best to urinate before and after any type of sex (wash up, of course) but it's so you're urethra can stay embark on and free of bacteria. See the doc hun.
Blessed Be

Health Question?

Bladder infection. Used to Call it Honey moon bladder. sometimes you can gett bladder infections from sexual encounter . it has happen to me and the dr says it is average. A Bladder infection will not heal on its own, run to the dr and he will give you antibiotics, u don't enjoy to give the details newly tell them u construe you have a bladder infection. I be embarrased to go to dr. and started ratification blood clots and got a hallucination. go to dr u will get the impression better


You prob have a UTI (urinary tract infection). This happen to me sometimes. Its when bacteria surrounded by your tract gets pushed backbone from having intercourse. They also beckon it the honeymoon bug, because alot of ppl get it after their honeymoon, at lowest thats what my doctor said lol What you should do is def go to the doctor to form sure thats what it is. They will check your urine and give you some antibiotics to whip that will help. In the meantime, you should try and not hold intercourse until you talk to your doctor. Also, drink cranberry liquid (the 100% juice, NOT the coctail one) this will oblige clean out your tract, but it wont clear it go away of late so you no. Also next time you do enjoy intercourse, make sure you urinate right after!! Everytime!! This may be why you get the UTI in the first place if you didnt use the bathroom right after. Hope this help good luck!! (takes just about 1-2 weeks to heal up)

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girl girl, why did he stuff so plentiful fingers in you ouch that sure hurts for a tight ** like yours..perchance he didnt get you aroused ample to get you drizzly... just stick to one finger till you cant achieve enough consequently two and more...
besides that how do you enjoy this intimacy when you're consciousness pain most of the time?

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