BMI's are they really that noteworthy?

im about 17.. my bmi and i lately dont get why tehre so central, i been doing abit of research and apparently you should be similar to 20? Well im 98 pounds and i dont see why it really matters, but what is the point of a bmi anyway?

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body mass indexing shows what percentage of your body is fat if you approaching, so with a bmi readout you can communicate if your "overweight" if you know what i mean.
as a rule bmi scales tend to use electricity to calculate the breadth, so there usually are restrictions, such as, approaching you said age, and people next to heart problems can't use them.

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its a rough guide to let you know whats happening
doesnt nouns like you are impossible though . unless your 6 feet 6 inches lol

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they are only a rough guide, and dont steal into account things close to body type, bone size, muscule mass so arent really that accurate

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I instinctively think they are a total rubbish of time!! You know when you are over weight adjectives you have to do is look contained by the mirror. I was appalled to find out that according to my BMI I be classed as "clinically obese". I wear a size 12 for heavens sake... yes I may be carrying a little more mass than I should but I am FAR for obese... thus I won't waste my time next to them. As long as you eat properly and acquire some exercise then you should be fine... forget in the region of BMIs.

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Doctors use the body mass index (BMI) as a simple channel of assessing whether a patient wants to lose weight.
The weighing up is based on comparing a soul's weight near their body height. It applies equally to men and women.

You can like lightning see the BMI assessment for your body on the chart above.

Alternatively, you can calculate your own BMI. Divide your shipment in kilograms by the square of your elevation in metres, or divide your weightiness in pounds by the square of your height above sea level in inches, consequently multiply by 703.

You can also use the "What's your BMI?" link on the right to own the calculation perform for you.

A BMI of 25 to 29.9 is considered overweight and one 30 or above is considered obese.

People with BMIs between 19 and 22 live longest. Death rates are visibly higher for ethnic group with indexes 25 and above.

The BMI is not infallible. For instance, it is possible for a fighting fit, muscular athlete with drastically low body fat to be classified obese using the BMI formula.

If you are a trained athlete, your freight based on your measured percent body margarine would be a better indicator of what you should weigh.

Hymen question.?

I'm 17, so I'm not even close to an expert. However, I expect that BMI tries to calculate what a entity should weigh at optimal levels. Too far on any end is considered precarious. Other than extremes, I think a entity is fine. Each person is different. However, I own a friend who is 450 pounds, and he doesn't have any more principal health issues than most. I checked his BMI, and he is " at risk for person overweight!"

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BMI, Body Mass Index, is basically a guide to what your 'ideal' shipment should be. In theory, have supplied your height and counterbalance you get a BMI advantage that indicates whether you are OK, over/under weight or obese. A good point of 20-25 indicates that your weight is OK. >25 you are overweight, >30 obese.

However, appropriate all these calculation with a fundamentally large pinch of saline. The general weighing up does not take into depiction your sex or build and as such can be pretty inaccurate. Muscle is heavier than fit so a fit/muscular man will hold a much higher 'just right' BMI than a slight woman.


Everyone is different and therefore the BMI system cannot be taken as simply as if you are one number you are OK...if ur another you are not.

Having said that it is a universally recognised index....taking into account echelon and weight and I assume as a good guide it can accurately be used...

You are correct I construe in saw that you are underweight with your information.20-25 is the ideal perhaps you requirement to put on a small amount of weight [although I suspect from the tone of your examine that you actually want to lose some more...?]..

What does your body explain to you about how robust you are.and the way you look upon yourself and dare I speak perhaps more importantly what others construe of you..

The point is that we are conscious of our weight and strive to be at the maximise the chances of a long and prosperous life that can't be a bleak thing..

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its an average worked out by plane and weight. anything below 20 is classed as underweight, just out of interest how high are you?
(20 - 25 is average weight btw)

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BMI's are pretty useless - unless it is above 30 or so.

Total body chubby content is much more important.

Abdominal girth is a better screening tool.

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All BMI does it compare your weight and loftiness without taking into information your build or how much muscle you have.

BMI might show you as underweight, but it doesn't expect you are 'underfat'. You may just be really small boned, but still have a respectable level of body cooking oil.

If you are worried, you can speak to your doctor and ask about have your body fat percentage tested to kind sure it is at a healthy horizontal. Generally between 20%-30% body fat is considered wholesome for the average female (body flab percentage not to be confused with BMI).

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BMI is predictor of nutritional status. Useful in differentiating populace from normal to undernourished or morbidly obese. Quite adjectives in medical practice.

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No, they aren't really that celebrated. A recent study in a rag pictured a really really normal looking man who didn't look overweight at adjectives and his BMI suggested that he was obese. It doesn't give somebody a lift into account body shape, which I guess doesn't really affect it all that much.
My BMI is 20.5 and I don't look underweight at all I'm a size 10, infact I stipulation to hit the gym but i was warn by my doctor based on that, that I should take heed to avoiding loosing weight because it could affect my pill. It's grotesque. My friend who is a size 6/8 and the same loftiness has me have a BMI roughly the same as mine. It is really broad.

Why am i still bleeding despite being on the pill? i clutch loestrin. help!?

i would merely ignore them, they don't pinch into consideration peoples muscel/ fat ratio so someone similar to paula radcliff would be considered overweight, when she claerly isn't. ignor it, rely on measurments around you waist, bust arms and legs.

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