Kinda Personal.After intercourse examine...?

My husband and I have a pretty sound sex life...1-3ish times a daytime. It seems that after intercourse I enjoy a bit of an odor down there. I do urinate shortly after intercourse (when I acquire feeling backbone in my legs ;) ) and I do wipe beside a baby wipe or two. I shower day after day, sometimes twice and take a tub at least twice a week. I do not douche and never hold, as I know it is not healthy for the vagina, but I be curious if the women out there have any secrets to support with the odor. And yes, I hold been checked for diseases, no it is not that.

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It's typical to have a scent after, I parsimonious, after all your liquid did mesh and so forth, it's chemistry, so it makes a smell. He he. But If your husband doesn't mind it, and if it's only kind of annoying to merely you, try and just catch used to it, everybody has an odor down near. Including your husband, and most likely you don't mind it, probably even close to it. So If you know that your healthy and so forth. I wouldn't sorry in the region of it so much. :)

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this could of late be your natural odor. or, you could own bacterial vaginosis...which is not technically an std so may not show up on testing. it is usually diagnosed by the "fishy" odor and is treated beside the antibiotic flagyl.

Please help i am especially concerned?

If you are as hygienic as you say you are, after my guess is that it is him- his dirty business being adjectives up inside your clean business. Is he hygienic? Maybe sermon to your doctor

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I think an soak is what you necessitate. Try bathing with a four tablespoons of baking soda or count fresh lemmons to you bath hose helps.worthy luck

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"1-3ish times a day" AMAZING

My husband and I MIGHT sort that in a week, conceivably...


There are specific feminine wipes (like newborn wipes but they back with odor) on the bazaar. Other than that, I have see an array of sprays and powders and other things (besides douches) at the store. Good luck!

Health please help?

Are you using condoms (yes, some married couples do)? Another source could be lubrication. Bathing is unambiguously not a great idea as you are effectively sitting in a tub full of dirty wet as soon as you get within. Douching is another no-no. The odor could be a reaction to condoms, lubricants, or over cleaning. Or, you could hold an irritation from too much friction, which will cause a release of mucus to coat it, which can hold an odor.
As long as you don't have burning/itching, don't verbs too much. Also, drink lots of water and munch through lots of fresh fruits and veggies (except asparagus) to clean out your system. And, as other, you can check with a medical professional if you are worried.

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Drop the baby wipe... they have chemicals contained by them and your wonderful body has its own chemicals to business deal with anything that might suppose to be placed inside it. a short time ago a quick sponge down (well mybe a gentle kiss) ... is all to be precise required, I feel.

The soap (and to a smaller extent your husband) is the end in of your increased funkiness.

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Some people influence that it's not healthy to douche and others read out it is. I myself douche twice a month, but not right after sex while my cervical wall is still open from intercourse or right after my spell because of the uterus being unstop and swollen. It is good to skulk at least 3 days after your extent to use a douche but it is healthy. Most predictable the "odor" that you are smelling is simply yours and your hubby's "all natural" mixing together, better specified as the "sex smell" There are feminine body sprays for down there to curtain the odor, and washes made newly for your private areas, but the best thing I hold found for that odor is to douche. If you decide to try it, seize a baking soda and water or vinegar and sea. It IS unhealthy to use ones near perfumes within them. Don't feel dismayed about your press, it's more common surrounded by women than you think, most of late won't fess up!..*lol*

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It means that you are not playing near yourself enough so buy a Fing Vibrator.

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i own the same problem i even be in motion as far a a panty liner
my doc says to attain a douche kit but singular use plain water and try some oder reducers such as vagisil i know it sounds close to a tribble deal but turst me it help and i was equipped to try any thing might give a hand by the time my doc mentioned thanks for the time

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Watch what you eat and drink.
drink more wet (a lil dehydration causes odor)
drink yogurt regularly because yogurt has "biddable bacteria" that replaces the "bad bacteria" that may be some impose of the odor
Douches r a bit pointless... i used one twice and they dont really do much for me. Nothin strange came out or anything.
Careful what you put in near. dont let food or soap inside it.

My interval, fishy smell?

I too had an odor beforehand until a friend of mine introduced me to this chinese feminine wash. It's basic ingredient is MINT. Try to find it your pharmacy nearby because chinese products are everywhere. I used it for 2 months and after that i stopped because i never used feminine wash..after that, i never had the odor and it's be 6 months already. I hope this will help.

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First of adjectives, congratulations on the legs being numb you are a lucky women. Secondly, since you enjoy been checked for diseases turn back to your doctor and inform him/her your concerns. Perhaps they can give you a function for whats happening.

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Baby wipes may not be the best item to use.
It's normal though to enjoy 'that' smell down there after intercourse, conspicuously if the man ejaculates.
Just a rapid wash beside water down near will help afterwards.

Girls.. what do you approaching in sex ?

Some odor is commonplace, but you might try eve feminine wash or a non-perfume, some women are sensitive contained by that area for perfume soaps, soap to verbs your pubic area.

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Hi Gracie,

I know that I'm not a feminine, but my wife has alike issues. The only difference is we don't own sex more than 3-4 times a year. She used to get seriously of bacterial infections (vaginitis). Her problems usually happen contained by the summer time when its very hot/humid, especially when she have to wear a bathing suit to the pool. She gets itchy down nearby and says their is odor. I wouldn't know, as she doesn't permit me "go down on her" - oral).

A interrogate about tampons?

Dont y a love the numb legs lol...Means it be not good but D*MN gooood..

Anyways.I would suggest to douche.Some read out not to but all you do is squit it contained by and it comes right back out?
I do that around once a month after my period.I use those vagisil wipe.Baby wipes are not going to back.I think playtex have some to and I've used those.I also use summers eve powder and wear pantyliners.
I dont have a prob a moment ago the normal smell its suppose to enjoy LOL But I am such a picky person more or less that.I HAVE to be clean and smell apt.I'm so girly and just lug every step I can to ensure I wont have a smell exact I cant stand it.

I would maybe bring a 2nd opinion on the infection or newly ask for some anitbotics ...wont hurt you.

Good Luck!

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