Do you believe you can always take what you want?

no matter what it is, a man, a brief, a pair of shoes you saw at the shops this morning, your dream vehicle, make your inner voice hear by making it a reality.

Is this not run of the mill at all for a child?

No. Nobody can. Now, within are people near tremendous luck.great karma.whatever you want to christen it. But nobody can get everything they want. It's only just not feasible.

Do you ever hold to use a tampon?

yeah yeah i do because well if i don't reflect the way i do i will bring to a close up to be nothing hey I'm solely 14 but my dreams are big bigger then me, I will own to do this alone but can do it i am so scared of what will come but I KNOW i can do it ...

Is it okay to shave your pubic nouns?

yes and no. if everyone got what they looked-for, the world would be a chaos place to live surrounded by. give and clutch. accept and reject. dream and finish.

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