A blood tryout indicated that my TSH level is 4.62 what does this close-fisted?

I know that the normal scale is [0.03 - 3.00] and I'm on the high ruin of this. I'm 40 and I'm wondering if this is an indicator of anything. What exactly does this tell me?

Question for Gurl?

Actually a high-ranking TSH* level ability your thyroid gland is producing too little thyroid hormone - also called hypothyroidism. It's relatively common especially within women and is most often end in by an autoimmune reaction to the gland.

There are profoundly of different symptoms - some have a a moment ago few some have more.
- weakness
- solidity gain
- dry, rough skin and hair loss
- you touch cold all the time (while others don't)
- constipation
- depression
- irregular period

It's completely treatable beside eltroxin so there's no requirement to worry.

* contained by case you required an explanation on why TSH is high.

Like the woman above me said TSH is thyroid stimulation hormone and it's the hormone that makes the thyroid gland produce the thyroid hormones T4 and T3. When the production of these hormones is suppressed, the brain will register this and increase TSH. However, it won't back because the production system in the gland is shut down.

I get off the birth control pill mid month. Got time then, be it a real interval?

TSH is the thyroid stimulating hormone. A higher than usual level is hyperthyroidism and effortlessly treated with medication although further trialling would be needed to make sure that in that are no nodules or growths on the thyroid causing it to dance haywire.

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