Is it possible to have a prolapse after a hysterectomy?

I have a hysterectomy of late over six yrs ago and be told a prolapse be unfeasible.

I enjoy manage to convice myself that I own one as things are not right down at hand...!!!!
I discern if im carrying extra gear if u know wot I tight-fisted.


i'm verbs roughly when is the safest to hold sex!?

You can't own a prolapsed womb because you don't enjoy one, but you can own a prolapsed bladder. (Only know because a relative have this problem years after have a hysterectomy). Talk to the doctor roughly speaking it and hold the discomfort investigated. Good luck.

Result of foreplay?

you can enjoy a prolapsed bladder and rectum

Embarrassing cross-examine I've be wanting to ask for 20 years?

a prolapse if when the womb drop's seeing as though you haven't get one, no its ridiculous, gain yourself checked out.

Periods and lifelong warfarin?

In mixing to the above you can also enjoy a prolapsed vagina, where on earth the vaginal strait prolapses downwards and out of the channel. See your doc!

This site have pretty a bit of info.

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