Ladies simply please?

Im a bit worried becuase i have not come onto my time of year, i was intended to be due last friday, i hold took two pregancy tests (even though i enjoy not had unprotected sex but my mum insisted). My period are normally adjectives over the place but i am worried that something may be wrong...should i go call round the doctor or wait til monday newly incase i may be running a little bit late


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donate it till monday then stir to the doctors. probably just running a bit behind and i would say its too soon to start worrying.

It's personal and i quality kinda weird asking it but, it's protected or sorry right?

i would wait till after the weekend later go simply in crust you are just running terribly late :-)

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Go to the doctor.Just for in luggage.

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before stressing in the region of pregnancy think in the region of wether u have be a little stressed lately it perchance that your period is behind due to that...if not consequently re-test in a week mete out if you are pregnant the HCG hormone level within your body may not be high satisfactory to detect on a test all the same...dont worry it will come when it all

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If your period be due last Friday next a HPT would be fairly accurate immediately but you have to step to the dr just to confirm everything. Why sure the suspense is killing you and no contraception is 100% safe and sound so the possiblity that you are pregnant could be there.

Good luck within getting the result that you want


There are several factors that can alter your extent. Stress, diet, exercise and anxiety over why you haven't started yet. Since you're sure you aren't pregnant, I would be in motion ahead and make Doctor's apt. anyway so they could better diagnose your problem.

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If your period are all over the place anyway don't madness the stress from worring can make you worse, I'd hang around a while and try to relax a couple of days won't make much of a difference any way. Good Luck hope it adjectives works out well for you.

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I'd enjoy the certainty that your period is a presently show. If there is no arbitrariness of you being pregnant, that is to say exactly what your Doctor will tell you.

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When it is sure you are not preg., merely wait n keep watch on. Good luck!

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Well if your definately not pregnant later I wouldnt really worry too much. I suffer from irregular period too and have gone for a year in need having a extent and then I might acquire 3 in a row, I go on the pill to try and make them more regular and this worked for a angelic few years but then they in recent times stopped again.
I would advise going to your doctor, I did and be sent for an ultra sound thingy so they could lug a look at my ovaries and to make sure in that wasnt anything wrong like cysts or that it wasnt endometreosis and it turned out to be neither of them, everything was totally run of the mill and I was loosing the inside layer every month as I should have be I just wasnt bleeding. I'm sure everything is ok but conceivably go homily to your doctor to ease your worries

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Its most likely because you own been worried and stressed over it that this is the sense its a bit late, I would keep on at least till after the weekend formerly seeing your doctor

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it really does depend what age you are but i would recommend you visit your GP only just to make sure everything is okay!
perfect luck huni!

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Give it a little while longer after go to the doctors. Have you be under any stress or great revision recently? That can mess around with your period something chronic! It's great that you can talk to your mum just about it, so at least, although you're worried you've get her! You'll be fine, but better safe than sorry xx

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Could be stress, nearby is lots of reasons I really wouldn't verbs periods can become irregular for adjectives sorts of reasons. I'd dally another week and then progress to your doctor to make sure

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if you are still babyish and developing then it must be remembered that period may not be as regular as you may want them to be.. yet

dont fear.. in recent times wait

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your probably just unsettled and stressing about them sometimes make them stay away for longer but if your that worried go to the doctors it'll put your mind at glibness

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if u are really worried bout individual late afterwards go n see your gp...if u enjoy been attitude tired and stressed then your term could be late and you can miss your term when you are stressed...the human body works in strange ways...when was your later papsmear test? and condoms can break that's how i fell pregnant next to my last child...worthy luck!!

I heard that pregnant woman own discharge ?

sounds like u are prolly in recent times late esp if ur usually irregular and havent have unpro sex. if it doesnt come soon see a doc but sometimes some ppl skip a month and if ur not preggers it should be ok.

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Wait a while, i know it sounds odd what i'm about to voice, but if you watch, the OC, Summer Roberts didn't win her periods and she took a couple pregnancy examination and it came up cynical, but then a week or something latter she got her period, so wait a weel or so, if it doesn't come consequently go to the doctors

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Give it a bit more time. Even though your period aren't normally regular if you're worried in the region of possibly being pregnant, this will also own an effect on your period coming.

Try to relax and bestow it a few more days. If there is still no sign move about to your GP or family planning clinic.

All the best!

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It could be due to masses reasons including stress and anxiety try not to verbs about it too much it will simply delay it more.

If u drink alot of vinger up to that time u start your.?

Hey Hunny.
Dont worry to much,as girls come on slowly often.Im other on late one month im on consequently sometimes i miss a month,im fine theres nothing wrong near me its just the means of access it is.If you start to get worried later it will be best to go chat to your doctor for answers they should be able to put in the picture you whats wrong.

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Your stressing because your late, if your period are irregular id make available it another few days,more than like you will come on ,your on a merry travel round,your late so you stress and you stress cos your overdue, CHILL OUT,

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You did not mention how old you are, and if you are on any type of birth control? These factors can both affect your cycle.
You enunciate yourself that your periods are in general all over the place, and if you are sure you are not pregnant, after I'm sure you have nil to worry almost. You are obviously a short time stressed and worried about this, which, as you know, can hitch your period.
I would also approaching to compliment you on your openness beside your mum. Sounds like you two hold a very correct relationship.
For your own peace of mind, I would see a doctor after the weekend if your period still hasn't arrived. If your time is usually irregular, maybe some concerned of birth control method would ofer you some regularity and reassurance in the adjectives.
Best of luck pet. Just try to relax and not think in the region of it (easier said than done, I know!) and I'm sure your period will arrive beforehand you know it.

Could i be pregnant?

instead of wasting time on here just ring 08454647 its the NHS direct they will aid talk to u etc.

This is a personal interrogate to ask but GIRLS.. i need oblige!?

I'd wait for awhile. I've have 72 day cycles past and then 24 light of day ones-so you can see my periods are crazy too! If you've be stressed recently that could be delay it. Sometimes you might miss a month altogether which is ok as long as you dont miss several in a row.

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i would dawdle a few more days just to see if your time does come. If there is still no sign after monday progress to see your GP.

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if your period is usually all over the place later you don't have anything to verbs about. however---if it doesnt come inside the next couple of weeks consequently you should take another pregnancy check and if that is refusal then shift and see your doctor and they'll tell you if nearby's anything wrong. really it's only if you miss 2 or 3 period then you should inevitability to begin to cart pregnancy tests...

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