A Doctor please...Can my cyst be treated?

They found on my ovary a cyst of the size of an orange (60mm aprox) and my Dr told me is too big to treat it, besides every time something comes close to that nouns is painful. So the Doc said it could blow up, it get me too worry but I'm also alarm for the upcomming surgery should I be programmed for it or is the private Dr just trying to go and get $$ from me? Are there other alternatives please give support to me!

My menstrual and Excercising?

I have polycystic ovary syndrome, I own cysts on my ovaries almost 100% of the time... There came a time when the strain was insufferable due to having more than 300 cysts on one ovary, I have the recommended surgery.. doc made a few tiny incisions, took his little camera and zapper ray and necessarily zapped away the cysts. Recovery was effortless. I went home that light of day, the most pain I have was surrounded by my shoulder (is a result of the gas they pump inside of you to open you up ((get a heat pad))
After the surgery, I had no more misery on that side for years, and I was also competent to get pregnant contained by 3 months (after 8 years of trying before the procedure)

The alternative to the surgery is letting the cyst rupture, this is raw. childbirth painful.

Talk to the doc almost your options, and ask question.

Good Luck!

Last nite I slept w my new guy for 1st time and he isn't fairly as hung as my last guy..?

if you are not comfortable beside what the dr wants to do progress get a second assessment. If the other dr says indistinguishable thing consequently you will feel better something like what you are doing.

Where can I purchase this?

Surgery is the only answer and you stipulation not worry give or take a few surgery if your health is O K surrounded by all respects.. Earlier the better

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