Having thyroid problems will I be on med's forever?

I just found out ultimate week that my thyroid is a little low and the doctor put me on a low dose of medicene will I be on it for the rest of my existence? and also can having this problems affect my period. I have be spoting douring the month and end up have heavy period. and also wanting to get preg. again to and no luck so beside the medicene do you think this problems will modification? I never had a problem next to my thyroid before till after I have my daughter all kind of things have changed. also surrounded by a month the doctor wants to do a pap and lift a some type of byopsy to see why my periods are hard to digest also has anyone hold something like that done. ( the byopsy ) Thank you

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Hi here! Learning that you have a disease and that you hold to take a pill for the rest of your vivacity is not easy to do business with! I have this too and it was concrete! I was resenting it and needed to do something NATURAL to make my thyroid better. When I stopped taking my tablets (that is how much I resented it) my numbers went up and I feel more crappy. So I took my medicine, my numbers normalize and I feel so much better. I contemplate the initial schock to deal next to this issue in your existence is a huge burden but I think you will take over it just approaching how I did. I took synthetic medicine that did not work for me that economically, but I switched to Armour and feeling SO much better. I have a sneaking suspicion that having right lab results for your thyroid will result in more normail period and healthy pregnancies. Thyroid horomone is essential for you and for your kid. When hypothyroid women get pregnant they recurrently have to whip additional amount of horomone.. This is a particularly common problem and please do not find discouraged. It is possible to live a good and full-bodied life near this disease as long as you have a biddable doctor who checks your levels and adjust your medicine to the dose i.e. the best for you. Just so you know, many lab results show the TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) majority up to 5.5 but that is not agreed by lots patients and doctors either. Many doctors believe that up to 2.5 is the possible mundane range and anything above to be precise considered hypothyroid. I also recommend you to check for antibodies called TPO that can indicate thyroid disease to be exact autimmune in temper. In that or hypothyroid without antibodies the treatment is like peas in a pod - thyroid hromone supplementation - either synthetic or Armour (from pigs). If the synthetic does not work for you - try tally a small amount of T3 synthetic called Cytomel. These medicine are very risk-free and they are not to be confused with the sex hormones that menapausal women pilfer for hormone replacement therapy. People can not live minus thyroid hormone - each of our cell in our body inevitability thyroid hormone, and it also effects ALL body functions so it is important that you cart your medicine and monitor yourself. As far as doing this till the rest of your duration - look at it this way. At most minuscule we do not have some terminal disease that within is no cure for. So be happy that your doctor found this out, clutch your medicine, own babies, live your life and embezzle a small pill once a day. And roughly the pap - that is moral to get done but the solid periods are probably thyroid related as specifically a classic symptom!! Please take fastidiousness of yourself!

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I too hold hypothyroidism (underactive). I was too freaked out by have to take medication for the rest of my natural life. My doctor at the time was a bump. But I did some research on the web and found out it is particularly common surrounded by women. Find out from your doctor when you should get your blood checked again. I haven't have children, but I know that you can get hypothyroidism because of that. Sometimes your thyroid will turn back to common. I believe it's because of the hormonal balance from human being pregnant. Like I said, I too freaked at having to pocket medication for the rest of my life, but I thought of it this method, I take the pill everyday. All it does is facilitate replace some hormones that your body is not making naturally. I've be taking medication for 7 years now. I'm sorry I can't aid you on the period/biopsy part.

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im surrounded by thyroid medicine myself and are for vivacity. i had the byopsy some years ago and it is lower than anesthecia checking that nodule of the thyroid is benign or malign. it consists of three needles to check that and you don't feel a entity after you wake up of the anesthecia.About the period heavy, i have my mother and grandma with that problem, but they are okay presently. My grandma and my mom had both her uterus removed.My mom started to treat different treatment( different types of anticonceptives) first to control the fatty and also more long -irregular periods, when none of that worked out , she have her uterus removed and was reccomended out of work for a while(some months).My grandma have her removed when she had a brawny low of hemoglobulin and was pinch to the hospital. My mom had her uterus removed also to prevent that to surface.

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