I enjoy have a scan today and they said i might hold polycystic ovaries.

what is ths? what will happen? can i have children? is the scan plenty to confirm this?
please help me. i need some information im 20 and enjoy no clue whats happening to me.

Answers:    im 20 also and i have it..
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a adjectives condition characterized by irregular menstrual periods, excess hair growth and stoutness, though it can affect women in a variety of ways.

The exact produce of polycystic ovary syndrome is unknown, but the condition stems from a disruption in the monthly reproductive cycle. The name polycystic ovary syndrome comes from the appearance of the ovaries contained by some women with the disorder — large and studded beside numerous cysts (polycystic).

Polycystic ovary syndrome affects about one in 10 women within the United States and is the leading cause of infertility contained by women. Early diagnosis and treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome can help reduce the risk of long-term complications, which include diabetes and heart disease.

It is rather common so try not to worry..
They should hold been able to update you more about the condition when you had the scan, the best entity you can talk to about this is your gp - you should hold a follow up appointment anyway where they will be able to put in the picture you for certain whether you have this or not. Polycystic ovaries can be a throbbing condition and may cause you have enjoy unreliable periods and sometimes weight gain. There is a small opening that it could effect your ability to become pregnant but theres lots they can do to help you and treatments available. The permanent status you are looking for is PCOS. I have it. It effects each woman differently but some commons traits or excess shipment around the middle, cysts on the ovaries, absence of periods and irregular cycles, Acne, masculine pattern baldness facial and body hair, depression, dandruff and a paucity of ovulation which leads to infertility. PCOS is the leading grounds in infertility in women and as tons as 10 percent of all women have it within some form or another. The biggest problem is insulin resistance this causes you to be predisposed to diabetes and a higher rish for developing heart disease and spot on cancers.

There is no cure and no known produce. It can only be treated symptomatically. Your course of treatment will depend greatly on whether you want to become pregant. you need to own a glucose tolerance test, eat a low GI diet, lose substance and generally try to change your lifestyle if you aren't doing these things already.

Most women are given birth control pills and sent packing by their doctors. Don't tolerate this happen to you. most docs are ill informed roughly PCOS at best and clueless at worst. You must see a reproductive endocrinologist. Your GP can't handle this. People living in countries beside nationalized healthcare can face many frequent obstacles with their treatment .

If you are found to be insulin resistant you will be given an rx for metformin aka glucophage. Spironolactone is a adjectives drug for dealing with excess testosterone level and curls growth. Birth control pills are good for regulating your cycle but should not be your only method of treatment lacking being fully informed and aware of all your option.

Google soulcysters and go to livejournal.com and join the pcos communities nearby. they are an invaluble source of information and support..
I have had this. A apt diet low in sugar will help extremely. It is a hormonal imbalance in which the ovaries produce lots of cysts. A few celebs which hold this are Victoria Beckham, Kim Marsh, Jamie Olivers Wife. They all have kids, so don't verbs about that for now. There are enduring meds to help. Metformin may help as will the contraceptive pill? do you own acne? it will control this part. google poly-cystic ovaries, it will say it is completely common. I had a laparoscopy second year to remove a 7cm cyst and all is well immediately.good luck Hi I have this too. I be diagnosed when I was 17. I'm now 26. I enjoy very bad reaction to the contraceptive pill so am not allowed any form of hormonal birth control.

I've been told by my doctors as long as I save my BMI in the normal band I should have no problems conceiving.

They've said that most woment with PCOS become infirtile when they are hasty to mid thirtys. I've been told if I definately want children to do it before I'm 28 as after afterwards fertility does drop off..
The best way to grasp answers to your questions is to have another appointment next to your doctor or OBGYN who ordered the exam. They should get the results by Friday, so making an appointment for next Monday should know how to give you all the answers to your question.
Unless a doctor here in WomenAnswers.org gives you your answers afterwards your only chance is to see your doctor. I hope this help...

From Mayo Clinic

From Women'sHealth.gov

From Wikipedia
my friend has that. She had 2 kids surrounded by the last 2 years though so don't worry. Posh Spice have it too.
There are symptoms of course but you can learn to control and live beside it. i have them too, most women do (my niece was diagnosed near them while she was still in her mothers womb! i find that amazing)

i enjoy a daughter and one on the way.
Alot of us have it and yes,you can still own kids.The cure is birthcontrol pills.They will shrink the cysts. Wikipedia.
good for you

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