So my time is presently 15 days unpaid. I dont know whats going on because it be anal sex and you cant achieve pregnant

I keep getting cramps and get my hopes up that it is my spell but it never is! there is no way i could be pregnant. It didnt obtain in the right hole!

Why do i see sparks of table lamp when I look up at the sky?

You should get a pregnancy tryout. Sperm can travel from outside the body into the vagina - even with between-the-thigh sex. Depending on the position you were contained by, chances could be very fitting that some actually got within the right hole.

Ladies, set me straight!?

hahaha your funny!
i dont think you can get prego from that! :S best of luck

Is it regular for vagina to burn when u pee the first time after intercourse? ( a condem be used)?

Weird cravings - pregnant?
Abdomin affliction!?
Why does vagina smell similar to fish ?
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