Is my counterweight ok?

Im 12 years old, and im 5ft 5in, and 140pounds?

I want to lose immensity !?

Right now your freight is considered normal. To save it that way cut hindmost on the junk food and procure active, shift out and have some fun! At your age your body is going through greatly. Try not to worry too desperately much about your bulk and worry more roughly how you feel just about yourself and your health. Again devour right and stay active!! Right in a minute is the perfect time to start dutiful eating and exercising traditions that will lead to a lifetime of polite health.

Any lo-ovral feedback?


How Do You Know If You Are Horny?

Yes, it's fine. When I be 5ft 5 in and a good weight I be 135-140.. I liked my body vertebrae then. lol

Whats wrong beside my sister?

yes this is fine

So im not pregnant?

if i were u don't jump on a diet just exersise and drink right and reduce your ingestion habits

Do breast augmentation pills and creams actually work?

no, you necessitate to lose 20 pounds at least.

What be it like the first time you have sex?

WAT made u think that not ok...u better historic it ma way consequently...

A lot of discharges lately?

wat is ok in todays world? ur fine i used to b for a moment chubior now i passageway as much as u. if u feel comfortable everything is fine if consider starting to go to the gym or joing a squad.

How long should a woman be on birth control pills for?

yes but watch your calorie intake.

Im have hysterectomy at 35. do i need hormones?

Yes it is.

Why are you worried in the region of it? My follow up question is are you ok because at 12, it is too young at heart to worry nearly your body. Well, any age is too young to verbs about your body. If you are have worries about how you look, verbalize to someone about it in a minute. Be happy beside yourself!! Don't focus on others and realize your body is yours and we should all love our bodies. Each one is different and dazzling.

I'm on the pill and don't want to have my spell when I go on break.?

you sound kinda pudgy, sorry. it's a short time ago that i am 14 years old and 5'7 and weigh 125 lbs. but remember that you might a moment ago be in the middle of your growth spurt. to masses you put on weight and afterwards get taller and grow into it.

ps. specifically what happened to me! GOOD LUCK :D

Yaz Birth Control sound out?

Your BMI. (body mass index) is 23.3. This is an okay weight. although kindof on the hard to digest side. Normal BMI is 18.5-24.9.

Why dont i want to have sex?

Ohh thats not discouraging. I have a friend i.e. that height and weigh about like. Don't worry contained by a year or so every thing will even up. So don't verbs your perfect.

I own a painful spot on my genital nouns.?

I'm 5'5 and I'm 26 years old, I weigh 130, and i be aware of very self conscious that I am too skinny. If anyone is giving you greif more or less your weight, rate no mind, just take home sure your cloths fit right and look good! (I'm sure you do!)


you're fine because you are most possible going to grow taller. I am 16 and i'm only 5'7, but I weigh like peas in a pod as you because I guess I was too skinny when I be younger, which meant that I didn't enjoy enough nutrients to grow taller. You're not overweight, but I'm pretty convinced you will grow taller because your weight is a short time ago about right.

Anyone have Abdominalplasty in Australia?

It really depends on you. Is it flabby weight or muscle? How does the immensity look on you?
Remember that if you haven't already hit puberty you will soon and it is natural for girls to plump up of late a bit during this time as they are about to win taller.
If you are concerned about it, after make better choices when intake. if you have an prospect to eat something athletic vs unhealthy step with heathy and manufacture sure you excercise.

Men often shiver after urinating. Do women do it too?

Your fine, I'm 14 and I'm solely 5ft and weigh 81 ibs. and I hate it ! I'm constantly individual mistaken for an 11 year old. I would love to enjoy curves! I've been call chicken arms so many times I couldn't count them adjectives!

Question about period?

no you need to lose consignment. i am 5"8 and a half and i weigh that much.

Ok..I have to pee five times in an hourafter not human being able to jump the day beforewhat's up?

NO I'm 15, 5 foot 5 inches and i weigh 115! You entail to lose 30 pounds! seriously that's not healthy.

What are symptoms associated beside IBS, Irritable bowel syndrome?

Don't stress too much over it, but you are a bit overweight. You should weigh around 125lbs. With that in mind, try to engross in some physical movement 5 times a week even if only for a few minutes and avoid soda and other sugary drinks--instead opt for hose. Also avoid sugar and processed/packaged foods. Instead eat more veggies, fruits, lean meat (chick, fish, turkey), nuts, etc.
Don't starve yourself..just munch through stuff that your body can use instead of just * out =)

Morning after pills?

you are prefectly fine so disregrade every one else's commites on that you enjoy to lose weight

Gyno sound out? Women only please, symbolic and men likely to be grossed out.?

Perfect. Enjoy your energy.

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