How much blood is in actual fact lost when women have their term?

I know I'm a guy, but I feel impossible for women and having to hold a period every month. I know it is a sign of womanhood, but it seem menses is a bit aggravating. Anyway, how much blood on average is lost? What about ladies next to hemophilia?

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For most girls an entire time consists of anywhere from a few spoonfuls to less than 1/2 cup (118 milliliters) of blood — it only just looks like greatly! It is possible for a girl to lose an excessive amount of blood during her period, but it's not at adjectives common. (In some cases, a girl can bleed too much because she have a medical condition — such as von Willebrand disease.) The amount of blood a girl loses and how long her period last can differ from month to month.

And thanks for human being so sympathetic towards us girls! You're a sweetie :)

Does anybody just resembling to lay down and relax all the time?

like a teaspoon

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why is a guy asking this it ain't none of your bees wax

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it builds up over the month inside the uterus and afterwards that comes out.. .. so its not actuall like you cut yourself and are bleeding type point going on..

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women lose right much blood every month, usually 5-7 days of bleeding and alot of blood clots come down also.

Padding in swimsuit is retarted please comfort!?

lol it depends on their body

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Women are only carrier of hemophelia, men are the ones who suffer the disease. Normal women lose a few teaspoons of blood each month. If a woman loses singnificantly more than that, she should see her GYN around it.
You are right, menses can be very aggravating. Science is helping women out in that, so we can now choose to hold a medicine which precincts the annual menses to 4. If your friends are suffering, send them to the doctor, and next, if the doctor says adjectives is medically fine, to the health food store. There are herbal formulas that assistance.

My GYN told me that my cervix is tilted backwards, does anyone else have this problum?

in a month its partially a cup in 2 months its a full cup


Does anyone have a varicose capillary in the pelvic nouns that flares up during your cycle?

The duration of hemorrhage is between 3 to 5 days and the amount of blood lost has be estimated to be between 50- 200 ml.

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