Painful bump on my vagina (women only)?

I have be with my husband and him solely for three years, and he has solely been beside me ever. I have be tested for all stds, going on for two years after we got together so I know its not that.

I enjoy a painful bump on the bottom segment of the opening to my vagina. It hurts pretty doomed to failure. I am worried about what it could be.

Any assist or advice is greatly appreciated, if you know any treatments that would be perfect too.


What is this?

My wife gets cysts around the first night to her vagina quite regularly, usually around the lower portion... I've also seen several patients with indistinguishable, so I think that's what you enjoy... basically a big zit... Often they lug quite a few days to develop a director that you can see and squeeze, so they just sit at hand being really, really tender...

You might try taking a hot, drizzly cloth and placing it over the bump for a half hour or so, several times a daylight. This can cause the lump to migrate to the surface where on earth it will form a head approaching a pimple. It is likely to be bleeding when you squeeze the junk out of it, but after a light of day or so it will heal over and shrink away... Don't be surprised if the pus inside is slightly bloody and it continues to bleed for a while after it is squeezed... the warmth open up those tiny blood vessels.

One time (before I become a nurse), she had one so impossible we went to the ER, where on earth the doc lanced it beside a scalpel (it had no herald at the time), and squeezed 60cc (2 full ounces) of bloody goo out of it... it healed hastily after that. My mother taught me around the warm washcloths and that trick works in good health!

I hope your hubby isn't squeamish, because it will go easier if he does the squeezing, from the better bottom angle, he can catch his fingers worked into the tissue around the lump to force it outwards. If it breaks inside and the goo releases into the tissue, it will be REALLY painful and could effect a worse abscess.

If there's any doubt, call upon your clinic and have the doc javelin it...she can also give you a bit shot of novocaine to lessen (but not eliminate, trust me) the discomfort...
Ed, RN

Please relieve.?

It could be an ingrown hair.

But also look into it mortal a wart. I have a friend who get a wart down there that be not a genital wart, but a regular one like you draw from on your hand.

How does it be aware of to reach orgasm. what can i do to get one?

So what did the doctor tell you?

We can't assistance you here without medical test being done.

Wart, Herpes, Ingrown spike, regular pimple, a Small cysts are all possibilities.

Ladies please help..serious answers one and only please!?

maybe an ingrown hair, I don`t know a hair folical infection, its a bump, not a bubble or sore? specifically what would make a primary difference in what it could be

What can you do to stop your time of year early?

Could you enjoy picked up something from a public restroom? I am not well versed within STDs so I don't know what it could be but it seems resembling that is the singular place you could have picked it up.

Lost condom.oblige?

Could it be an ingrown hair, a clogged pore or a zit?
If it have been in that awhile, I recommend seeing your GYN,

How can you get a bigger but?


I use to carry sick in the mornings?

if you're monogamous and it's not an STD next it may just be an ingrown pelt. they can be very sensitive and get somewhat sizeable as well. a reheat bath may relieve bring it to a head to relieve the pressure. i'm not completely sure in need a more detailed description, but i think that this is promising... especially if it's red, swollen, tender (without being an clear sore or anything like that).

Do ant females out in that who suffer from polysistic ovaries have a giant sex drive cos i have polysistic ovarie

Did the bump appear after have intercourse? If it did, then it could be due to sex. There are glands that produce the secretion to lubricate the vaginal walls and they are located at the entrance of the vagina. If the glands are hard hit during sex they could become inflamed and hurt. You may want to permit the vaginal area rest for a few days. If that doesn't work afterwards go to the dr.

Women orgasm?

it could be an ingrowned curls or a pimple.

Minocycline and birth control pills?

most likely, freshly a sore from an acidic ph match... if the vaginal fluid ph changes.. it can wreak a small ulcer (just a sore sore)

or even your panties (esp if you wear thongs) could've rubbed you the wrong way..

or you could've accidentally scratched it and not realize it.

i actually have this happen to me a few years final, and i KNEW i didn't have an std because i'd be tested, and they never really did figure out what it be.. said it was probably because my ph be off and give me some cream to help it stop hurting and move about away quicker.

oooh.. if its on the labia majora (the part where on earth hair grows) it could also be an ingrown fuzz. but it sounds like you are describing it as on the labia minora (the pink part)

if it doesn't stir away in a week or so, turn see your doctor. they can at least provide you peace of mind and a cream to help it treat. you can go sooner if you'd approaching. if you can't afford it, drop by a planned parenthood and they'll check it out cheap or even free

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I belive since I py for health carefulness I should go anytime I get the impression like anything is wrong. I know going to the doctor sucks because you may hold to miss school or work and I don`t know ay a small fee but trust me its better to see the doctor and know wht is up next to your body rather afterwards to guess. Could be many different things but you want to go see professional befre you can really resolve.

I forgot I didn't have any more contraceptive pill pack left?

It could possibly be a type of cyst (an infected tresses follicle). That thing hurt similar to hell and I couldn't even sit down. You need to move about to the doctor. If you haven't had a pap smear inside the last year, that should be done. If you hold ever had sex next to another person, it could possibly be an STD because it can sometimes filch years for stuff to show up. Go get a pap and contentment your mind.

Female only problem?

go fund to a docter or gyn and could be veru serious or nothing at all

better not dangerous than sorry

Could any one tell me the expansion??

Sounds approaching a possible Bartholin gland cyst or an ingrown hair follicle. So here is the operate: make an appointment beside your family doc or gynecologist. In the meantime while you are waiting, try thaw packs to the vulva to assistance it clear. Your doc can screen you for the other unsafe stuff (get the tests, regardless of your monogamousness) basically because that's responsible medicine. Good luck, you will find beneficial - but you need to capture a physical exam with culture, if appropriate, first.

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