Lost condom.lend a hand?

Right after having sex we notice the condom was missing. It wasn't anywhere on the bed, floor, nowhere. So we can singular figure that it is somewhere inside, but I can't find it. What should I do?


Is it true,for a man to enjoy a ingrowing toe nail, is more painfull than a woman have a bad extent pain?

Don't nouns, just manage inside and pull it out. If you can't get hold of it out yourselves, go to the doctor to enjoy it removed. You also need to be thinking going on for emergency contraception. The sooner it is taken after unprotected sex, the more effective it will be.

Cyst on moved out ovary?

yeah its inside of you. its not like its within your stomache or anything. keep digging. its up here lol
ive had this surface

This might sound so strange!!?

Check the receiving partner's orifices

I enjoy the worst cramps known to man and im at work what can i do to take home it stop?

I would call your doctor.

Girls and sex?

okay this is truly more common than you infer...has she used the bathroom nonetheless...sometimes right after sex if she went to the restroom it probably already come out and she just didnt perceive..thats from personal experience as well lol..but adjectives kidding aside, relay her to go also the vagina have a way of pushing foreign objects out but if it hasnt come out on the other hand you might want to see a doctor...many times condoms and even tampons can become lodged at the rear the the cervix...ive had to remove plenty from patients surrounded by my day..apt luck and by the way it have to come out because eventually it can and will cause and infection...so see a doc asap if youre still having the issue

advanced registered nurse practioner

Question nearly self pleasure?

that has happen to me, it was inside but it be easy to verbs out.

good luck

Is it commonplace to bleed a lot after have sex?

If it is inside don't worry b/c it cant move about any where. It probably is but it won't turn anywhere other that where it was, because it phisically can't. Ummm.. I guess newly keep looking

I own got my 1st interval since having my babe almost 3 months ago. I am breastfeeding. Is that normal?

Happened to me once. solitary i didn't know till the next time when i went pee..yeah gross

I haven't have my period within 2 months and I didn't have sex. I'm individual 13 and ashamed to tell my mom. What immediately?

It will come out, your girlfriend will find it, its inside of her, this has happen to me many times especially after a to some extent acrobatic darkness! lol

Who knows around Endometriose?

her body will push it out if its up there.

Sore red spot on the outside of vagina?

have him stick his fingers in at hand and pull it out

Day after your term..?

Your first move should be to "feel around" to see if it's still inside. If it is try using your fingers to verbs it out. If it won't come out then the best article to do is go to a doctor as it can mete out infection.

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